Chapter 76

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Chase's POV

"I swear to the moon goddess that if you come near me I'll rip your head off!" I shouted at one of Archer's pack mates as two twin girls tried to approach me.

They were identical twins with bouncy and curly light brown hair and eyes that were both dark brown. The twin girls also had freckles that spread across their cheeks and nose.

They've been trying to come close enough to get my chains off for the last hour but I wouldn't let them step any closer from the entrance way.

"But Archer said you need to take a bath! We have to bathe you, you've already been here an entire night without one!" One of them shouted causing me to growl.

I don't know why so much time was going by without any signs of Juno coming to my rescue but I decided not to worry about anything bad happening to him. He was coming, I know he was.

I just had to wait and be patient, and not let these bastards here in this pack get too close to me. I haven't eaten any of the food they've brought me and I refused to let some wolves other than my mate see me naked in the bath.

"Bitch if you're that desperate to lose a finger go for it." I threatened as her sister tried to sneakily inch closer to me.

They both trembled and froze in place as I growled at them in warning.

You would've thought they'd give up by now since it's been well over an hour, but they still kept trying to get me. They were going to leave my cuffs on I think but they just wanted to get my chains off so I could leave the room.

Part of me wanted to let them so I could find a chance to run out but I reminded myself I wouldn't get far even if I tried.

I didn't know the layout of this building either, if I did, I would've at least been able to come up with a plan to hide somewhere.

"Ugh! He's stubborn Chichi." One of the twins groaned as the other one stomped her foot like a rabbit.

"He definitely is Gigi." The other twin agreed as she nodded her head.

I rolled my eyes at their comments because was I seriously being stubborn in their eyes? What wolf in my situation would willingly go with them?

"At least give us your clothes to wash them yeah?" Chichi, the twin on the left suggested and I shook my head.

Now they wanted to take Juno's shirt and briefs off my body? They'd have to take them from my corpse if they wanted them that badly.

It was all I had to remember his scent by and it was the only thing keeping me calm and rational. If they took these from me, I'd go crazy in here!

"What's with all the hold up? You think we just have hot water to be wasting for hours?!" I heard a males deep voice boom from outside in the hallway.

Gigi left the door open while they tried to inch in, and his voice sounded super close as I heard his loud footsteps approaching from whatever direction he was coming in from.

A few moments later, the twins looked back at the giant that was standing behind them in the doorway. He was so big and buff that he had to bend over to just enter the room since he was too tall for the doors entrance.

He had light brown hair too but it was super short and was in a buzzcut style. His eyes were the same dark shade of brown and I could tell he was their brother by how similar they smelled.

"But he won't come! He won't even give us his clothes." Gigi whined as the male eyed me with a glare on his face.

"Huh? The hell you giving him options for, just walk over there and grab his tiny ass!" He shouted causing the twins to wince.

"It's not that easy. You try, he'll bite you! Seriously!" Chichi told him but he just shoved his siblings out of the way.

They made little screeches as he stormed over to me and I growled at him the closer he got to me.

"Look brat. Don't take your anger out on us because we're just trying to do our jobs here. And if you want to bite me, go ahead. It'll be like a mosquito bite to me." He explained as he got closer and closer to me.

When he was within arms distance, I bite his arm as hard as I could, drawing blood that made the taste of gross iron spread across my tongue.

But he didn't move an inch, and my bites hurt a lot.

He was probably used to pain judging by how he didn't even flinch, so Archer probably picked him to help get me cleaned up on purpose.

But I didn't care. I didn't want anyone else let alone a male seeing me in the bathroom, and he wasn't getting these clothes off of me no matter how loose they were.

The second he undid the chains around my legs and arms, I swung my leg at him to kick him as hard as I could with my hands still in handcuffs but he didn't move at that either.

I was starting to get mad at how my hits and bites didn't affect him.

"Are you done? Now hurry up so we can go to the bathroom before the hot water is gone." He told me seriously.

I took a deep breath in and did the only thing I could think of doing left. It was my ultimate secret move I did at parties whenever I got into a sticky situation.

I wasn't really a fighter so my buddies always came to my rescue, mainly Jean, but I did have one secret move I did in case he couldn't reach me in time.

It only worked once so I had to get this right on the first try or I'd be doomed.

I placed my arms out in front of him and he smirked at my compliance as he grabbed my cuffs. He wasn't going to take them off but use them to lead me to the bathroom, but as soon as he grabbed them, I activated my top secret ultra cool move.

It required amazing technique and now that his guard was down and his sisters were pushed out of the way of the entrance, I had a clear path. This plan had about a 100% success rate if this move worked on him so I was going to risk the gamble!

So there I was, ready to strike and I did it...

I kicked the shit out of his balls since my legs were finally free and it worked. He finally stumbled over a bit but he didn't fall over.

So before he could reach down to grab and shield them in pain, I landed another even harder kick and that one finally got the giant on the floor with a loud groan of pain.

The twins gasped and tried to hurry to their feet but it was too late, I bolted out of the room with my hands still cuffed together as I took off.

Because even if the chance of me getting caught is high, there's got to be a chance I won't be caught too right?

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