Chapter 4

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Chase's POV

"Chasey, honey bun why don't you just find another boy to make obsess over you?" Daniel asked me as I closed my eyes.

Jean was washing my hair dye out in my bathroom sink as Mimi made popcorn in my kitchen and Daniel stood leaning against the bathroom door.

We all had our own places and my apartment happened to be close to campus. It was still apart of our pack territory so I still felt safe and it was conveniently close enough to our college that I didn't have to worry about not having a vehicle.

"Why wouldn't I want my mate to be obsessed with me?" I replied as I shut my eyes tighter.

The water was flowing down my face as Jean scrubbed my favorite shampoo into my hair.

I was so glad I always bought some cheap temporary hair color instead of getting it professionally done. Magic always did come in little boxes.

"I mean it's not a bad thought but I think it's best to just leave Juno alone." Jean chimed in and I pouted.

"I thought you wanted to date Julio." Daniel stated while his mate massaged my scalp.

I mean I did want to date Julio but that was unobtainable now. I was mated to one of his younger brothers and he never showed any interest in dating me.

He was always nice to me but it wasn't like he was nice to just me. That was just the kind of guy he was. He was really attractive and just an overall great guy, so why wouldn't I want to date him?

Julio was the complete opposite of Juno. Which is why I was confused on why fate brought us together. Juno used to talk to me in the past but when I started venturing out my fashion styles, he started avoiding me more.

"Well Julio isn't my mate now is he? If I can't make Juno fall for me and regret rejecting me then there's no point." I whined and I heard them both sigh in unison.

The way I thought about things was considered crazy I guess. It wasn't like I didn't find Juno attractive too, I just didn't like his personality.

But he was my mate so it had to be him.

If someone else doted on me I'd still have that empty feeling inside that only he could cure. And the same thing went for him.

Why was it wrong for me to want him to go crazy about me? I wanted him to be fuming with jealousy whenever he saw me cozying up to someone else, just like how I would feel instinctively if I saw someone on him.

This was how we were going to live out the rest of our lives until one of us either left the pack or we died so why even bother finding someone else? He was mates with me for a reason. The moon goddess herself chose us for each other and I just wanted him to see that.

"I think the mindset you have is maybe considered a little toxic but I get where you're coming from. If Jean rejected me and got with someone else, I'd go crazy too. They say rejected wolves go crazy so maybe this is just how you cope with it? Like you crave his attention even though you don't like him?" Daniel rambled and I sighed heavily.

"Like if Juno doesn't want Chase but doesn't want anyone else to have him?" Jean asked his lover while I kept my eyes tightly shut.

I loved when Jean did my hair since he went to cosmetology school, which was why he hated that I used temporary dyes. And he just made my scalp feel like I was in heaven. His hands were just magical.

"No Juno's just a child. I think Chase making him jealous is a good thing. It'll show him that he has to be accountable for his actions. If he rejected Chase, then he shouldn't care if he's going to relive his slut era for the hundredth time. And if he does show signs he cares, it's just proof he wasn't honest about his rejection." Mimi's voice said, signaling that she now joined Daniel in the doorway as Jean worked wonders on my hair.

"Yeah but what if he gets all angry and snaps? You know wolves with Alpha blood have hard times controlling their tempers when they get upset." Jean commented making everyone else hum in unison.

"I mean I know for a fact he won't hurt me physically so I just need to be careful who I flirt with. I don't want anyone to get hurt in the process of me trying to make him jealous. Plus if he really doesn't have feelings for me and wants to reject me, yeah it'll suck but i'll move on from him eventually." I explained but judging by everyone's little laughs, no one believed me.

"You're the type to get in your exs way of being happy with someone else." Jean corrected and I gasped.

"I am not!" I retorted and Daniel laughed.

"Remember Alex? You made him want to take you back after he tried moving on with two other girls then you didn't even want to date him anymore." Daniel said and Mimi snickered.

"That was in middle school! Oh my gosh I'm not that bad anymore!" I whined as Jean finished rinsing and conditioning my hair.

I finally got up from being bent over the sink and groaned. I hated how bad my back hurt every time I had to wash my hair in the sink.

"Oh yeah, you're not bad anymore but want a guy that rejected you to fall head over heels with you." Jean responded as he gently dried my hair with a towel.

"I'm trying to tell you guys that he feels something for me and I'm just trying to help him realize those feelings. Then on top of that I want to piss him off because he rejected me in the first place." I said confidently as Mimi smiled.

She was basically my twin with how similar we thought. She was on my side and she understood me perfectly.

"Just be carful or I'm going to have to whoop his ass into next week." Daniel said seriously with a stern look on his face as I gave him a thumbs up.

Juno was stuck in class with me anyways so he couldn't avoid me forever.

A Wolf's Jealousy and Rejection (BXB) Where stories live. Discover now