Chapter 83

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Chase's POV

"Juno? Baby please stop. Let's just go home okay? He's trying to get you to fight him on purpose!" I cried out to Juno but he just stood there looking at Archer dangerously.

I know Archer was a total asshole and deserved to get his ass beat, but I didn't want to cause problems for our pack if the treaty was really that valuable. Plus the guy was a psycho, he wanted Juno to fight him and hurt him on purpose!

When he ignored me, I tried to get up again and this time I was successful.

I waddled over to where he was standing and nudged him with my nose, but he was still locking eyes with Archer.

My shoulder hurt really bad still so I used my body to lean against Juno for support and I felt his wolf stiffen.

His inner wolf was in complete control right now so I knew he was fighting his urges. He was torn between helping me since I was injured as his mate, and wanting to tear Archer's throat apart for harming me.

Archer shifted back suddenly, causing Juno to go back on high alert despite me leaning my weight against him, and the idiot had the nerve to speak.

"Juno! I was just joking. Did you like my surprise note that I left you? You got here too fast so I didn't have time to override that little mark of yours. But I will say that your mate here kept me company nicely! I was fully entertained and expected way less excitement from him." Archer gleamed and I heard a low growl escape Juno's throat.

I nuzzled against him and whimpered, trying to distract him but he was still torn between focusing his attention on me and on Archer.

I wanted to wait a bit but since Archer was still getting under Juno's skin, I decided to shift too to save my energy.

Once I did, I cried out in pain again due to how deep his bite was on my right shoulder. I held my shoulder down and my hands were instantly covered in my blood, causing them to be red and wet; which didn't really help Juno calm down.

"You're psychotic." I groaned as I glared at Archer but he was too busy smirking at Juno to even bother looking at me.

"Oh fuck is that blood?!" Mimi shouted as I saw her wolf pop out in the corner of my eye.

Running in behind her was Jean and some of Juno's friends that helped us move my apartment furniture ages ago, and I didn't see Romeo anywhere.

Since I didn't spot him, my instincts were starting to go on high alert since I was scared he got taken again; but then I spotted him arriving slowly with Jose at his side.

I sighed with relief but it was short lived as I felt Juno's anger radiate through his pheromones.

"Diego, take Chase and everyone back home." Juno instructed through the pack link as Mimi and Jean stood off a few feet away from us.

"Juno! I don't want to go anywhere without you, please can we just leave him here and go?" I begged him but he didn't budge.

I didn't even care how much pleading it would take right now, I just wanted to go home and get as far away from Archer as possible.

Then I heard it. The sound of thunder was starting to echo throughout the flat field since we took to long to leave so the rain was going to be coming in the next few minutes or so.

"Chase, we know you didn't like when he got like this last time; but this time just let it go and come on." Jean told me sadly and I felt my cheeks start to get wet with tears again.

"But he's going to hurt himself..." I replied as I looked up at Juno.

I was still leaning against him but Archer was starting to get impatient and clearly wanting their fight to start already.

"He won't lose even if he gets hurt, now come over here so we can carry you back and get your shoulder looked at. You're losing blood quickly and it's gonna rain dude." Mimi whimpered out and I can tell she was just as scared and worried about me as Jean was.

"I'll stay by and help him if needed so don't worry about anything, you and Romeo just need to get back home and heal." Juan chimed in as he approached us and I cried harder.

I reluctantly left Juno's side and walked slowly over to where my friends were.

The second I left his side, I refused to look back because I heard them already start to go at each other.

"That's it honey, come over here and just don't turn around okay? This is just all a bad dream that's finally going to be over soon." Mimi cried to me as my heart began to ache.

She was crying but I could tell she was trying to be strong for me and so was Jean. Romeo just looked past me at the fight with anger on his face but Jose was holding onto him so he couldn't try to get close to the fight.

My heart was starting to hurt more than my shoulder so I ran the rest of the distance to Mimi and hugged her wolf quickly. I almost tackled her to the ground but she was strong enough to keep her balance.

Jean came over and licked some tears away from my cheeks before using his snout to help lift me onto Mimi's back.

I clung to her even though I wanted to cover my ears so I didn't hear the horrid growling and sounds of their wolves fighting so feral and aggressively behind me, but having her fur on my face was completely comforting too.

I hugged her tightly and she started to run back towards the direction she came with me on her back as the sound of thunder got louder.

I saw that Jose was also starting to carry Romeo onto his wolf's back as Diego led us back towards the direction of our pack's house.

Jean started running behind us, in case other wolves from this pack tried to pry me off of Mimi, and I tried my hardest not to look back.

"If you lose I'm going to kick your ass so hard." I told Juno through the packs mind-link causing Mimi to laugh and her mood to lighten.

I closed my eyes as she ran swiftly through the unknown territory and let my tears fall as I thought about how badly Juno might be getting hurt.

As we ran away, I felt more uncomfortable being away from Juno again and the uncertainty I felt about that fight kept creeping up on me.

Because where did all those wolves that were under Archer go? Why did he go to the clearing to take on Juno and other wolves all alone?

"Don't over think and just rest; Julio is here doing damage control too. We got this so just think happy thoughts." Jean's voice said through the link to reassure me since I guess I left my mind unguarded again.

The thought of Juno and Julio both being here kinda calmed my nerves a bit and I was happy to get rescued, I just didn't want Juno to focus on revenge.

I wanted him to just smile and for him to be the one to carry me back home, but he was going to settle this now that Archer took me and Romeo then injured us both...

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