Chapter 5

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A/N: credit to whoever this amazing person is in the image! I couldn't find the tags to @ them at on google. If anyone knows please comment them!

Chase's POV

It was day one of me trying to get Juno's attention and I couldn't wait to see him in our shared art class. I wanted so desperately to see a hungry gaze in his eyes as soon as he looked at me.

The only issue was, I didn't know his type. I wanted to be whatever he was into but it was hard since I didn't know. Which only left me one option.

Try out different outfits and cycle through my aesthetics until I find out which one gets a rise out of him the most.

And if he wasn't into guys, so be it. That was something out of my hands that no one could control.

But if there was even a slight chance that he was attracted to me, I was going to poke at it until I made him come to his senses. I honestly think he did like me or he wasn't really bothered that we were mates, he was just going based off his friends reactions.

Which made no sense to me but hey, if he felt the need to fake his emotions to seem cool or whatever, that's his choice. But embarrassing me and lying to himself just wasn't cute.

Today I walked to class alone since Mimi had to go meet up with a classmate to work on an assignment early. And I didn't mind, I was too happy just thinking of the reaction I'd get out of Juno.

Right now I had on a baggy jacket just in case one of his buddies saw me before he did. I didn't want anyone spoiling my little surprise so I decided to take it off only when I reached the classroom.

Juno and I were the only wolves in this class and I knew he didn't have any friends in this class since he always sat alone by the door.

It only took me the weekend to complete the look I was going for, which was record time for me. It usually took me at least an entire week but I was impatient.

And while the outfit I went with was revealing, it wasn't something too surprising. I noticed art majors tended to have really good fashion sense.

Like yeah my entire stomach was exposed in the outfit but there's a girl that kept to herself in our same class that always dressed the way I was. Plus she did it in the tallest platforms I've ever seen!

Her art was always super eye catching too. The way she was able to capture emotions in her art was always something I admired from her.

And as soon as I walked into the classroom, I spotted her. She was in a crop top the same length as mine, but hers was pink and bedazzled.

She had on huge pink puffy headphones and the second I started removing my jacket, she peaked up from her phone and smiled at me. She shot me a thumbs up with a big smile before she went back to scrolling on her phone.

The looks some of the other students gave me made me feel myself too. I felt confident and sexy. Clothes didn't make the person but fuck did they always make my ego huge.

The stares made all the effort I put into this outfit worth it.

It was just a black crop top, a few of my chain necklaces and some low pants that were low enough to show off my favorite pair of underwear.

But maybe they were taken back since I removed my piercings and my hair was back to being it's natural light brown color. I wore it naturally curly like I used to when I was younger instead of it being black and straight.

And I took off my fake glasses so my light green eyes were popping more than usual today too.

It was like I was an entirely different person in the short span of two days but I was going to be wearing a lot of different clothing styles throughout the week so they better be prepared.

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