Chapter 9

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Chase's POV

"An ice cream shop?" I questioned Julio as he led me to a shop off campus.

It was across the street from our campus about a block down so it wasn't that far a walk, but I was confused.

And he went from pulling me gently by my wrist to holding my hand but I didn't even notice until we reached this place. Our fingers were even entwined!

The old me would've been living for the fact that we were holding hands but now I wasn't in the mood to geek about it. I was still sad and just thinking about how I can't do what I wanted to do was frustrating.

I felt like it was a need for me to want to get back at him for rejecting me, not a simple want.

I wanted him to fall for me on top of that too.

But I was clearly asking for too much and even deluded myself with false hope. Of course things wouldn't go as smoothly as I wanted it to go.

"Yeah...usually I would've taken you to a place with more carbs to get you to feel better but sweets does the trick too." He said shyly and I furrowed my brows.

He guided me inside and I was surprised I've never been in this shop before. It wasn't that far from campus or my apartment but I've just never explored the shops near campus before.

Once we walked to the back of the short line, I looked around, taking in the interior of this place.

It was pastel themed everywhere and the shops mascot was a little calico cartoony cat that was eating a huge ice cream cone.

It was bright and colorful in here, and just a change of scenery for me.

"Get whatever you want, I'll treat you." Julio told me once it was finally our turn to order.

I didn't even notice we reached the front of the line since I kept looking around.

I was kind of embarrassed because I didn't even focus on the huge menu board with all the flavors on it so I went with my safe choice. The girl behind the counter was just kind of standing there waiting for me to order and I didn't want to take too long either.

I could always come back here with my friends if I wanted to take my time to look around at the different flavors and options they had.

"Can I get a small cup of strawberry ice cream?" I asked the girl and she nodded silently as she quickly got to work.

Once she handed me my cup of ice cream, she looked up at Julio waiting to hear his order now. The way she looked at him was way different than how she looked at me but I understood her completely.

His handsome face was deep in thought for once instead of being carefree since he was thinking seriously about what flavor he wanted and I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

He quickly rose his eyebrows and his eyes widened before he looked down at me.

"What?" He laughed and I stopped laughing and tried my hardest to stop myself from letting another giggle escape my mouth.

"You're so silly sometimes Chase. Anyways can I get two scoops of blueberry ice cream in a cone?" Julio asked the girl and she got to work quickly again.

After she handed him his cone with a blush on her face, he paid and finally let go of my hand.

We went to go eat our ice creams in a booth close by the door and I sat there, looking out the window towards campus as I clutched my cup of ice cream in my hands.

" you umm...want to talk about it?" Julio asked me sincerely and I felt my face frown unintentionally.

I wanted to put up a strong face around everyone since I felt like shit and felt stupid but it was hard for me to hide my expressions from him.

He was my first crush after all and it was just embarrassing enough to get rejected in the first place. Now I had to talk about it to a guy I looked up to and he was going to realize how much of a crazy bitch I was.

"It's nothing really, it's my fault. If I wasn't the way I was, I wouldn't have gotten rejected so it's all on me. Sorry you felt the need to bring me over here. I'm probably taking your time away from your classes or something." I said while I tried to get up and collect my bag but he forced me to sit back down by reaching over the table and using his hand to physically sit me down.

"Stay. Eat your ice cream. I brought you here because I wanted to see if I could help you. And don't blame yourself, mate rejections usually get resolved relatively easily. You just need to talk to your mate and see if you both can work this out." He explained to me and I shook my head.

I didn't want to even look at him in class now, just like how he avoids my gaze. So how was I supposed to muster up the courage now to talk to him?

All that confidence and cockiness I had was out the window right now.

I still wanted to party but now instead of partying to make him jealous I wanted to party to forget about him too. He already went to one with his guy friends so it was my turn now.

I hated feeling like this. Usually my emotions were always all over the place but I was in a stump now after I realized my delusional fantasy won't ever come true.

"I can't talk to him...I'll be fine Julio, I really appreciate you taking me out for ice cream but I'll just party to get my mind off it you know? Sometimes rejection might be better then acceptance if the feelings aren't there..." I vented while he ate his ice cream silently.

He was staring at me with concern but he nodded his head at my response.

"Me and some of my senior buddies are going to have a small party if you want to bring your friends?" He suggested and I quickly nodded my head and my eyes shot up to meet his.

"Will you chill there with me for a little bit?" I asked titling my head and he grinned at my change in attitude.

"Of course I can! I can't just leave you alone at a party after inviting you." He smiled and his smile was just so contagious I swear.

I ended up smiling and eating my ice cream with him happily for the rest of our time there. He was helping me get my mind off his younger brother and he didn't even notice.

And for some reason I even thought of bringing Travis to the party but I didn't know for sure yet. It was a patty of seniors but Julio only hung out with other wolves on campus mostly, so maybe bringing a human won't be the best choice.

Especially if the full moon was coming up soon.

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