Chapter 56

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Chase's POV

"We're back Tyler. Sorry about earlier but did you still have that phone for me?" I asked him and he smiled at me from behind the counter.

"Yes I do and it's no problem at all." Tyler grinned and I heard Emery gasp.

"So first you ignore me then you take my place in line?!" He shouted from where I left him standing and I looked over at him with a huge smile on my face.

"Didn't you walk away from the counter?" I asked and the small male wolf Emery was with, ran over to comfort him.

"You're so annoying Charlie you know that? I don't even know why you're even pretending to care about Juno when the whole town knows you've always wanted to claw your way to Julio's side." Emery spat bitterly but I did what I did best in response.

I looked away from him again with responding and went back to talking to Tyler about my phone.

That bitch knew my name wasn't Charlie, and that it was Chase. And I just didn't feel like humoring him right now.

Juno didn't say anything either but I could tell he didn't really know what to do.

I heard Emery huff then leave the door with whoever that other wolf was and it made me relax.

Tyler seemed to be going through it with Emery at the counter anyways so when I saw his smile return when we walked in, I already knew Emery was still the same dude he's always been.

"Did you know what color you wanted?" Tyler asked me and I hummed as I leaned my head on Juno's thick arm.

He has really good biceps but the skin on his arms was softer than I thought they'd be. But his arm hair was a little ticklish. It wasn't super hairy or thick but that didn't matter.

"What color should I get baby?" I asked Juno and I could tell without looking at him, that his signature cute small blush crept back onto his face.

"Uh just red would be fine. We have different models but matching colors seem cool too right?" He asked me and I was glad to hear his tone sounded normal.

I didn't want him to be mad at me for how I acted but he should be happy I didn't try to fight that damn ex of his.

"Thank you." I smiled at Juno widely and he smiled back.

"Red then please!" I told Tyler excitedly and he laughed as he pulled out a box that had a picture of the red phone on it.

The cost came out to being around $500 which is still pretty wild for me but they gave me a huge chunk of it discounted so I didn't mind. And the cameras looked cool.

I still probably wasn't going to use it as much as everyone else would but it was still nice to see everyone really encouraging me to get a phone.

I unlinked my arms from being wrapped around Juno and he huffed.

I looked at him confused and he pulled his wallet out quickly and handed Tyler over his card.

"Juno! I was supposed to pay." I scolded him shocked that he'd do that and he just shoved his arm out.

I stared at it confused then sighed when I realized what he meant. He didn't want me doing anything, like paying for example, because to pay I'd need to use my hands and he wanted me to stay wrapped around him.

"You're so hard to read sometimes you know that." I told him as Tyler rang up the phone while humming a soft tune.

After being rung up, it took us another thirty minutes just to set up the phone plan, my account and all that other boring stuff.

And I'd be lying if I didn't say it was still kinda confusing. Like I've used other peoples phones before but this one was more techy than I was used to.

Like there was no buttons on the front like Jean's phone. Just a screen with the only buttons being the volume button and the power button on the sides of this thing.

But I was still happy to learn about everything.

Juno was explaining everything to me as we left the store after thanking Tyler, and I kinda wasn't paying attention. Like I was at first but just watching him explain stuff so seriously made me just focus more on his face and think about him more than the phone.

He looked so eager to break down all the stuff the phone does and seeing him so passionately explaining everything made me smile at how smart and sweet he was.

Wherever I didn't understand a feature, he was quick to tell me about it and even made his explanation simple so I could understand it easier.

"And we can share our locations with each other so we can know where each other are at all times." He said and I actually tuned back in when he said the word 'location.'

"You want my location?" I asked him curiously and he looked surprised.

"Uh kinda yeah. Why wouldn't I? Is that weird?" He asked me as we walked past other stores of this small outlet.

We were done since the main thing we came here to do was just to get my phone. Plus, as much as I'd love to keep looking around, he was probably going to be busy later on so I didn't want to keep him for too long.

We still needed to leave here and go see his father. And if he told our packs Alpha to squeeze in some time to see us at noon, we need to be there AT NOON.

Even if he was his son, you can't just leave the Alpha waiting. It was disrespectful and just viewed as rude by the entire pack. He was a busy man after all.

"No I just didn't think you would want to know where I was since I don't really go anywhere anyways." I admitted and he tilted his head.

"Well yeah I know you stay home mostly but I'd feel better just knowing you're there. And when you have mine you can see if I'm at school or at the pack house..." He mumbled and I saw he actually got a little sad.

"But if you don't want to it's okay." Juno reassured me but it was clear he really wanted it.

Maybe it made him feel like I trusted him? Maybe his ex's did something in the past that had him guarded and paranoid or something?

"No, we can share our stuff. I'm just thinking how you tend to do the opposite of what I think you do. Like how you study in the mornings or wanting to know where I am...I thought you'd care less where I was but you're actually the total opposite." I explained and his mood lightened.

"I mean it's your choice. I don't want you to think I'm some kind of psycho or forcing you to do anything. I just naturally share with my buddies and partners and since we aren't bonded yet I can't really link with you or pinpoint where you are after a certain distance. And if something happens I can try to get to where you are quicker you know?" Juno said then cleared his throat.

He made some interesting points but sharing or not didn't really matter to me. But if it made him feel better why wouldn't I just do it?

Just knowing he was thinking about me like this made my stomach get some butterflies.

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