Chapter 86

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Chase's POV

It took everything I had in me not to throw this damn dildo in the air, unlock my bedroom door and run downstairs to greet him by pouncing on him.

"Chase! Where are you?!" I heard Juno shout causing me to whimper against my sheets.

My body was burning up and I wanted him so badly but I couldn't be by him right now. I needed to take care of this on my own and just be patient.

I held out without him for three days already so three to four more wouldn't hurt me. Plus I was irregular, for all I knew I just needed to hold back one more day or just a few hours!

"Baby...don't come over here please...I can handle this myself!" I said loudly and I heard him slam the door close.

I heard his footsteps come up the stairs, which has never happened before so I quickly sat up and placed the dildo aside on my bed.

"Juno seriously I'm fine, why don't you go wash up and rest? You're tired aren't you?" I asked him from my bed once I knew he was right outside my bedroom door.

He's never come to the second floor before so this was new to me. I smelt his scent through the door and my dick twitched in anticipation as I tried to get him to go away.

"Tired? Rest? How do you expect me to calm down when I smell your scent and see your cum all over the place?" He asked me in a deep voice causing my body to shiver.

I blushed in embarrassment remembering how trashed I left the place but still refused to open the door.

"Are you serious? Chase open the fucking door and let me see that you're okay." Juno demanded but I shook at his voice and felt my body temperature start to rise again.

"If I open the door you're going to want to fuck me." I told him as I tried to calm my panting down.

"What? Of course I'm going to fuck you! Why would I leave you in pain during your heat when I'm right here besides you?" He asked me confused but I fell back against my bed.

I spread my legs open slowly and saw how hard I was again, causing me to mutter another curse as my dick stood proudly in between my legs.

"I just want you to rest so go away! I can do this myself!" I tried to tell him but I heard him growl from the other side of the door.

I guess the Alpha in him wasn't really too pleased with me rejecting him, but I was doing this for his well being.

"Please stop being stubborn mi the door, please? If you don't want me to help you, I promise I won't touch you unless you give me permission...I just need to see if you're okay with my own two eyes." Juno sighed out from the other side of the door and hearing him start to get sad and stressed, made me sit back up.

He used another loving nickname for me so I guess that made me cave because I got off of the bed and walked over to my door. I unlocked it and opened it slightly, and he quickly pushed it open, making my eyes widen in shock.

He didn't touch me sexually but he did embrace me quickly into a tight hug. He picked me up a bit during the hug so that he can breath in my scent through that spot on my neck that he loved so much.

I took in his scent too, whimpering against him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I loved how he smelt so much and feeling his embrace made me so happy as I realized he was finally back home besides me. When Archer took me, I wanted nothing more than to be back here in his arms and now I finally was.

"I'm sorry if I'm ruining the moment but if you hug me any tighter I'll literally get cum all over your shirt." I warned Juno causing him to let out a hearty laugh.

"Chase the last thing I care about right now is getting dirtier than I already am." He said lightly before pulling his head away from my neck.

But then the mood kinda changed and I watched his face twist into a frown as he eyed my neck. Well, I thought it was my neck but I guess his favorite spot to hide his face into my neck, was right next to my injured shoulder so he spotted my scar from Archer's bite.

He set me down on my own two feet and stopped hugging me as he looked at it, so I unlinked my arms from around his neck slowly.

"Well there. You saw I was fine right? I can get through this alone." I told him as I started to feel self conscious about my scar.

I felt him start to get angry again towards Archer, but he suddenly calmed down just as quickly.

"Can I ask you why you don't want me to help you with your heat? I thought you hated having them alone?" Juno asked me lowly as he continued to stare at my scar.

I used my left hand to cover it up so he would stop looking at it, then he shifted his gaze to my eyes.

"I just think it's easier for you if I do this alone. I don't want you to feel rushed to bond with me if you don't love me yet." I explained and he grew quiet.

We've had sex and marked each other, even started dating but we've never said the L word. We could just be fluffy in the dating stage and I was happy with that. It was better than when he was ignoring me and rejecting me.

But I didn't feel right if we bonded without loving each other.

I cared about him a lot and I was someone that was quick to catch feelings, that's probably why I forgave his rejection so quickly; but I never knew what was going on in Juno's mind.

He called me loving names and showered me with after care and affection, but that didn't mean he loved me.

And even now, he was trying his best to hold back from fucking me senseless right now but having sex didn't mean anything.

I just wanted him to take his time and not feel so rushed and pressured to do anything...was that wrong of me to think?

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