Chapter 41

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Chase's POV

Now both boys had one of my bags in their hands as Jay's dad ruffled my hair again. My hair was for sure fucked up now with how rough he was but I didn't mind at all.

This man had serious meat talent and I'd kill for him if he needed me to.

"I accidentally heard that thought and killing because he gave you a few ounces of brisket is a bit much isn't it?" Jay asked me and I glared at him.

"Jay your father is a man with talents blessed by our goddesses. Of course I'd kill for him." I snapped at him and he sighed.

He walked over to where I was clinging to his dad like a baby sloth and pulled me off of him by my shirt collar.

"Dad we'll be back after we help this nut job finish shopping and escorting him home." Jay informed his dad so his dad shot him a thumbs up and wide smile.

"Thank you Jay's dad! I'll miss you! I'll remember this day and tell my children about it in the future!" I shouted as Jay started to carry me away.

I was now slung over his shoulder as he carried me and the meat in my tote, away from his dads stall. His dad waved me goodbye and I watched as he disappeared back to the smoker.

A signal tear actually slid down my right cheek as I remembered the taste of the amazing brisket he blessed my stomach with.

"I kind of miss how dramatic you are Chase." Julio announced happily as Jay continued to carry me away to the next vendor's stall.

He didn't have to keep carrying me like this now that I was away from his father but I guess it kept him at ease thinking he was protecting me somehow. Plus it was an opportunity I had not to walk so I took it.

"I wouldn't say I'm dramatic." I said shyly and Jay huffed.

"Theatrically dramatic at times. I haven't been around you much but even I know you definitely are." Jay added and I turned my body to pinch at his left cheek.

"Okay ow ow ow! Totally not dramatic at all!" He shouted quickly and I let him go with a huff of my own.

Julio laughed at the way we were acting then led us to a stall full of vegetables. I was kind of glad he was here now because now I had someone I could ask about Juno's eating preferences!

My luck was starting to turn around and I grinned as Jay came to a stop and put me down in front of the next vendor.

About an hour later we were finally showing up on my front doorstep and I was exhausted. Everyone at the market was very generous which I was grateful for but they gave me a shit ton of stuff.

"Don't worry Juno will eat it all up." Julio reminded me as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I was glad Jay's dad encouraged them to help me because it really was a lot of stuff. Just the meat he gave me alone was heavy but then I went to the vegetable stand, the fruit stand and then to the dairy ladies.

And it was like if I asked for a quart of milk they gave me two whole gallons! If I asked for a few apples I left with a pound of them!

"Our pack members are really generous." I said in awe as I looked over all the bags of food I now had to put away.

"Yeah they're super sweet. They mean well so don't get discouraged to go back. My dad will miss you Sweetheart." Jay told me, teasing me with the nickname his dad gave me.

"Yeah yeah yeah. I'll definitely go back to see your dad again you don't have to worry about that." I teased back and his face lit up again.

"Chase we'd help you bring everything inside but this is as far as we should go without my brother here." Julio reminded me sadly and I rubbed my arm.

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