Chapter 6

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A/N: The Lament to Icarus by Herbert James Draper, 1898 is the photo above.

Chase's POV

"So what's your favorite painting by Herbert James Draper?" I asked Travis while we walked to a place where we could talk over our assignment.

"Hmmm probably The Lament to Icarus." He said causing me to laugh.

"Hey! What's wrong with that? It's a beautiful painting." He responded and I couldn't help but laugh louder.

To me, saying "The Lament to Icarus" was like someone saying their favorite painting by Leonardo da Vinci was "The Mona Lisa."

"No it's a beautiful piece I'm sorry." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Okay so then what's yours since mine was so generic." Travis asked while I led us to my favorite spot on campus.

"That's a hard question. I like a lot of his works to just pick one...There's The Pearls of Aphrodite, The Morning Mists..." I listed out as he walked besides me closely.

"But I guess I could say my favorite was probably the one that first introduced me to him, Day and the Dawnstar." I explained while he nodded in understanding.

I loved the mythological themes from Ancient Greece that he mainly focused on. My art tended to focus on the same theme but the way he used oil to capture everything on his canvas's will always make me strive to create something as breathtaking as he did.

"The papers pretty short so we just have to do two full pages each. Do you want to do the first two pages or the last two?" I asked him once we finally reached my favorite spot.

It was just an old bench area that was hidden from the public eye but it was right by a little river that passed through the outer part of the campus. From sitting here, I could see the campus's planetarium in the distance and it gave me the opportunity to see the wildlife that lived in the river.

There were tons of different species of fish in the water and the different colors of them were always eye catching.

I've brought Mimi here once before in the past and didn't really tell anyone about it. I didn't want to gatekeep it intentionally but I don't like how some humans litter and take advantage of calm places like this one.

I only bought Travis here to get away from everyone else. If I took him to the library or somewhere else, I was pretty sure he or I was going to get approached or flirted with, which would distract us from talking about this assignment.

"This place is beautiful...I'm sorry what did you say?" Travis asked me and I smiled.

I was glad he seemed to appreciate this place just like I did when I first stumbled upon it.

The bench was old but would still be strong enough to hold both of us up perfectly fine and it was still comfortable to sit on. The water was sparkling, and reflected the sun's light off of it effortlessly.

"Which two pages did you want to do?" I repeated as I watched as his eyes lit up with amazement.

"The first two if that's ok with you but either one is fine." Travis told me as he placed his bag down on the grass and took a seat on the bench.

I sat down next to him and put my bag onto my lap.

"Okay cool, I'll do the last two then. I have a book somewhere at my place we can use as a reference. It was a biography about him so I'm pretty sure that can help us a lot." I explained to him as he watched the mosquitos glide along the river water.

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