Chapter 21

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Chase's POV

"Now I know this might be scary for you but I need to do a quick examination...this friend of yours is going to have to leave the room." One of the pack doctors said as I frowned.

I didn't want Travis to leave yet. Being with someone during this chaos was relieving but I knew he had to leave. Even if he wanted to stay, he was too exhausted and I was too excited to risk losing control.

"Hey It'll be ok. Text me whenever you can and get some rest up. I'll see you later ok?" Travis said before patting my head gently.

I didn't have it in me to tell the guy even though he left his number on my night stand, I couldn't text him.

His hand was cool and I felt my face start to burn up again but I forced a reassuring smile on my face so he'd be able to leave without worrying too much.

He left the room after nodding to the doctor and I let out a relieving sigh.

I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't have a phone to text him even though he wrote his number down super neatly so I didn't text the wrong number if his penmanship was ugly.

I just didn't need one. If I wanted to talk, I just used my packs link. And I wasn't friends with humans to ever need a phone to text them.

Jay was standing near my front door with his right hand plugging his nose with a stern expression on his face.

I was still in heat but since the full moon was finally over with, my pheromones were bearable. It was affecting him for sure, judging by the slight tent in his pants but I looked away before I turned myself on even more.

I felt like a whore being like this...well more that I used to be.

I wanted to pounce on any male I could get ahold of, male wolf or human, and it was killing me. The night I spent with Travis wasn't enough and I felt my ass start to twitch in anticipation.

I was still leaking that weird slick fluid and I just hoped I wasn't getting it all over my couch.

"Alright, now that he's gone, let me just say I commend you for not marking that boy when you had it so rough yesterday. I can tell you right now you're definitely going through a heat cycle but let's get on with this quick examination just to be sure of things." The doctor said as he sat down in the chair he took from my kitchen.

He had the chair right in front of the spot I was sitting at on my couch as he looked through his medical bag of items.

He made me stick my tongue out, follow his finger and a bunch of other bullshit I didn't understand the reasoning for, then he put on some gloves.

"W-What do you need gloves for?" I asked scared as my body started to shake.

"Blood sample for testing then after this I need you to strip down so I can get a look at your body." He said and I gulped.

Strangely enough for someone who's had piercings on my ears and wants a tattoo, I hated needles. I cry like a baby whenever we have to get shots and I feel like fainting whenever I watch them poke me.

"Can't I give you a spit or pee sample instead? Man I'll even give you some of my jizz, just anything but that please." I whined but he ignored me and kept getting things ready.

I looked over at Jay and gave him puppy dog eyes to help me out but he just shook his head with his hands still covering his nose.

"Just get it over with. Keep your eyes on me if you don't wanna look." Jay said and I felt tears starting to form in my eyes.

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