Chapter 79

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Chase's POV

"You know, I used to think you were just some kinda emo guy that slept around a lot at parties." Romeo said randomly though our pack link as I followed him out of the back door of this building cautiously.

Since we were the only two in this area, even if we used the pack link we had with each other as members of the same pack, we wouldn't be able to hear the other pack members through our link since we were too far away.

So I guess the plan was to leave but keep communicating via mind link so that if we get closer to any pack members that came to rescue us, we would be able to tell them where we were and keep contact with them.

But it seemed that Romeo was 100% sure the plan would work so he just took off out of the building without a care in the world.

I was looking around paranoid on the other hand as he just continued walking forward without fear. I kinda envied that part of him because I was as jumpy as a mouse right now.

Wolves that were in unknown territory usually tend to trip out a little more then they should.

I was extremely nervous and scared while being here and it was mostly because my senses were heightened since I was on unknown land.

I just knew Romeo felt the same way but he was acting calm and collected to try to make me feel better but it wasn't really working.

I had no clue if this pack had a huge or small population so the chances of us seriously getting caught were completely unknown.

"Wow thanks. And I used to think that you were just another one of Juno's lackies that loved to dick ride and justify every bad thing he did." I admitted to him as he led us into the wooded area behind this building.

I noticed the woods here looked similar to the woods back at home, like we had the same trees, shrubs and everything so maybe they were a pack they was super close to our territory and that's why we had a treaty with them?

"Yeah I guess we were pretty bad when we were younger...Juno was and still is a wolf we look up to, even if he does something wrong; we just never viewed him as a bad guy." Romeo said while I continued to walk right behind his tail.

He was leading us back the way he remembered being brought here, and surprisingly enough, we haven't ran into any other wolves. It was relieving but I had a bad feeling that everything was just going too well for us.

Like trust me I didn't want to jinx it but I couldn't help but feel like we'd get ambushed eventually especially how slowly we were walking. Shouldn't we just make a run for it?

Or would that attract too much attention?

"Bullying is bad no matter who the bully is Romeo. Then Juno had the nerve to reject me over such an idiotic reason back when we first found out we were mates." I responded, getting slightly upset as I remembered the words he told me during his rejection again.

I forgave him for it already- well I thought I felt like I did but if I truly forgave him, would I still be getting upset about it?

I stopped following behind Romeo and bit down harder on the clothes I was carrying in my mouth.

"Hey! We don't have time to stop, let's keep going." Romeo scolded me before he walked over and nudged me with his nose.

I slowly began walking behind him again as we ventured deeper into the unknown territory's woods. They might've looked like the woods by our house but nothing here was really ringing any bells for me.

He was somewhat conscious as they brought him over here but I was completely knocked out. I couldn't really remember how I fell unconscious but I was pretty sure Archer just knocked me out so fast, I couldn't register what hit me.

But going back to the Juno thing, we came so far from that first interaction, I didn't know why I was starting to think badly now of all times.

Was I upset that it's been taking us too long to get rescued?

I don't really think I'm upset. I'm scared and sad yeah but I can't get upset that they're taking a while to save us since I didn't know what was going on, on their side.

For all I knew, Juno could be fighting off some wolves somewhere trying to get to me as fast as he could or he could be severely injured somewhere.

Those thoughts alone made me almost start crying because the last thing I needed to be thinking was that he was hurt somewhere.

But I never knew what happened to him before we were brought here.

How did Archer end up coming back to our house alone? He said that Juno was doing business with him but I knew now he was a sneaky liar. He was quick to lie if it meant getting a rise out of me so I didn't believe him.

So then where and what really happened to Juno after they left the house together?

He left me to ice Romeo's wounds and he looked scarily serious about me staying put and about leaving even though I didn't want him to go.

Just thinking about it made me start to stress out so I bite down on his clothes again anxiously.

I just wanted us to go back to how we were days ago when he marked me.

It was the closest we've ever gotten and I wanted those moments to last forever. Then this Archer guy waltzed in and ruined everything and separated us.

"Romeo wait. Let's go hide in that cave right there, I think I figured out Archer's plan." I told him as I walked past him and started leading us towards a nearby cave I spotted in the corner of my eye.

It's entrance was semi covered and blocked off with overgrown bushes and plants that outgrew so it was perfect for us to hide inside of.

We just needed to slide in then cover up the way we came in with the plants. Fluffing up leaves were easy with these types of bushes too so we lucked out.

"Okay. I was looking for a spot to rest anyways then we can continue on sides starting to throb." He admitted to me and I nodded my head.

We entered the cave, Romeo shoving me to the side gently so he could check it out first, then he came back out to signal that it was okay and clear to enter.

Once we were inside, he shook off the leaves and debris that clung to his fur after he walked through the entrance.

I did the same but only after I covered the entrance by fluffing up the leaves again so if someone spotted this place like I did, they wouldn't be able to spot they we ever came in here.

"Alright, so what's his plan?" Romeo asked me as we stayed closer towards the entrance way so that we weren't in the darker part of the cave.

Light from the sun was leaking in from parts of the plants so we weren't in complete darkness unless we went deeper into the cave.

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