Chapter 87

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Chase's POV

"Who said I didn't love you?" Juno asked, finally breaking his silence with me and my eyes instantly widened.

I pushed him away from me but he grabbed at my hands, forcing our fingers to entwine so I couldn't get away.

"Shut up...stop it...please?" I choked out as I felt my eyes start to water again.

I was an emotional wreck and my hormones were still out of whack. I couldn't take so much of this and my brain was already starting to get groggy.

"I love you Chase." Juno told my as he pulled me closer to him and pressed his forehead against mine.

"I figured out I wanted to be more than just some guy you were mated to. I want to be there for you always and grow older with each other...when they took you, I lost my cool and even ended up punching my own siblings. I feel so overly protective over you and with each day we spend together, I feel myself falling deeper and deeper for you...when I marked you, I grew even more possessive and thought about how I didn't even want to let other people see you." Juno confessed as I tried to get away from him.

He was just saying that.

I can't believe him right now.

With the way my heart was aching, I didn't want to think about him feeling this way right now. If he really loved me, I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore or stop him from bonding with me.

I heard the sound of thunder roar again outside, but this time it cut the lights and electricity off from inside the house.

I tried to get out of Juno's grasp one last time but then he pulled me into his chest into a tight hug again.

"Why are you trying to get away from me? Are you rejecting my confession? Do you not love me back?" He whispered against my head as he held onto me gently.

I sniffled in response since he was making me cry, and that made him pull back and lift my chin up with his fingers.

"Chase, I don't care if you don't want to believe it but I do truly love you. Every day you were gone felt like hell for me and after I saw what that fucker was trying to do to you, I lost my cool." Juno continued as I looked into his eyes.

He was being gentle and genuine with me, and I felt his body start to react to my heat but he was keeping his word by not sexually touching me.

"You're lying." I cried out as I sniffled again, and my words caused him to have a pained expression.

I didn't know what I wanted anymore. I felt fine with how things were before Archer ruined everything, and now Juno loved me?

"I'm not. You know it yourself that I wouldn't lie about this Chase. Are you afraid of me loving you? Isn't this what you wanted?" Juno asked me broken as he slumped down onto his knees.

He grabbed my hand and placed them over his heart, showing me just how fast I got his heart beating but I looked away from him.

"Look at me Chase." Juno pleaded but I kept my eyes away from him.

The only light we had coming in now was from a small part from my curtains. It was still cloudy and rainy outside, so we weren't getting much sunlight in, but it was just enough for me to see him clearly since he was so close to me.

"Chase...Baby have to believe me." Juno begged and I couldn't look away from him anymore.

I looked down out him angrily and yanked him off of his knees by his hands. He tumbled a bit, probably not thinking I'd pull him up so strongly, so I pushed him down onto my bed.

I crawled over him, laying on top of his stomach as I heard his heart thumping loudly in his chest.

"If you're in love with me like you claim to be, if I ask you not to bond with me right now...would you be able to hold back?" I asked him seriously as I laid my ear against his chest to hear his heart beat.

I heard his heart clearly this way, thumping louder and louder the more he tried to contain his lust for me. I was trying just as hard too, so I wouldn't be surprised if he heard my heart beating just as fast and loud as his.

"I won't be able to." He admitted so I lifted my head up from his chest and looked down at him as I straddled him.

He still had clothes on but I guess seeing me naked in heat was enough to get him hard since I felt him poking my ass through his shorts.

The tip of his dick was already leaking enough to make his shorts feel wet and I felt my face heat up again in realization.

" you too you know? But I don't think bonding a week after marking me is us taking things slowly like you wanted." I stated as Juno looked up at me.

His eyes weren't glowing but they looked lit up in this dark room as he laid under me. He made no movement to grab at me or start stripping his clothes away so I was actually impressed at his ability to hold back so much.

My room and this house was definitely filled with my pheromones but he was keeping his promise to me even if it meant being uncomfortably hard.

"I don't care about going slow anymore. I want you and that's all I really give a fuck about right now. I want to do more than just fuck you, I want to make love to you and fully mate with you. I'd breed you in hopes to knock you up and fuck this heat out of you." Juno confessed and his words made my own dick start to twitch as I felt my slick start to leak again.

"If you really mean it...then fine you can touch me all you want and bond with me Baby. I just don't want you to regret doing anything." I told him, and he immediately sat up with me still on top of him and began to take off his shirt.

I didn't have to tell him twice because the second the words left my mouth he was determined.

Once his shirt was off, he used his right arm to pull me close by my waist and began kissing at my neck impatiently.

"I don't regret anything but not claiming you sooner. I love you so much and you're so beautiful." Juno mumbled in between kisses and I moaned.

As long as he was happy with it, then I didn't mind being his completely. If he didn't think we were moving too fast anymore, then it was ok. I didn't want him to feel pressured but if he doesn't, who was I to stop him?

Plus I've been waiting so long to hear that he loves me and to feel his touch on my body again.

He sucked at his mark on my neck, causing me to throw my head back in pressure as I moaned louder than the thunder that was going on outside.

"I'm going to bond with you and truly make you my mate Chase." Juno declared before flipping our positions.

Now I was under him and he was tugging off his pants and underwear quickly.

Just watching his impatience made me feel more aroused as he looked down at me...

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