Chapter 52

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Chase's POV

"These are all so confusing." I stated completely lost while looking at all the phones in the display case.

Juno and I came to the city but we came on foot instead of taking his car since Romeo was borrowing it.

We ran here in our wolf forms and I was kinda nervous about showing him my fur again but to my surprise he didn't say anything about it.

He just had this like sparkle in his eye and that made me more shy than nervous about it but I shook off the feeling.

Running besides him was amazing and it felt really good. It was just different than running around on the beach.

Running through the woods just made me feel in my element and it reminded me that I just needed to shift more often. There was nothing wrong with going for some runs or just feeling free once in a while.

And Juno seemed to be really excited having me running beside him.

I did notice that he caught himself getting ahead of me a few times so he slowed his pace to sync up with mine. He was definitely faster than Julio and Jay but he's just always been a fast runner.

I on the other hand have always been a slow runner and I wasn't the type to push myself either. The speed I went was the speed everyone was just gonna have to deal with.

Plus I was carrying my clothes in my mouth!

"What's confusing about it?" Juno asked walking away from the phone cases he was eyeing.

He came up besides me quietly and looked at the phones in the glass display case I was staring at so hard.

"Why are they so expensive?" I asked him in a low whisper and he laughed.

His laugh made me raise my eyebrow in even more confusion as I looked up at him.

I didn't see what was funny! The phones he told me to look over were literally in the thousands. The thousands! For something I just needed to call and text on?

"There's nothing more basic? Like a flip phone or something?" I asked him seriously.

He looked around the store for a bit but then looked back down at me and shook his head no.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes dramatically before looking back at the phones in front of me.

The model Juno had was sold out here but the nice salesman said they could get one shipped to the store or to our house.

Our house was obviously not going to be an option since we didn't let humans on pack ground but Juno didn't like the idea of waiting for it to ship here either.

So now I was looking at some similar models but the price on these made me really hesitant.

I know having one was beneficial and would make Juno feel better and worry less...But I just couldn't see myself buying something so expensive!

Like clothes? I use those every day so it was worth it. Painting supplies? Definitely worth every penny.

But a phone?

What if I broke it? I had a clumsy side sometimes and if it was a thousand dollars just to buy it, I was scared to know how much it would be to fix it!

I frowned a bit and I guess Juno sensed my discomfort because he waved down the salesman.

I looked up at him now because even if he brought the worker over, I had no clue what I was staring at.

I haven't picked anything out yet and we've already been here for almost thirty minutes.

"Yes sir? How can I help you?" The brunette boy asked Juno chipper as he walked over to us from where he was standing behind the counter.

"Do you have anything deals going on right now? I think the price is overwhelming him a bit." Juno asked and I glanced over the phone selection one more time.

I was eyeing this glossy black and red one but I didn't get why it needed three different cameras? I'd probably flood my phone with photos of myself but I surprisingly didn't have any social media so it's not like I'd post them anywhere.

Knowing me, I'd probably just print them out and mail them to all my friends and family or frame a huge photo of me in our living room.

Yeah actually that sounded like a good idea. I'm so smart sometimes.

"Do you have one on this phone here?" I asked excitedly and I guess my quick mood change threw Juno off but he didn't question it.

"Oh! That one definitely has one, it's discount came out this morning but I guess we forgot to put the sign out. If you're a new customer, we can let you do a trade in and set you up with our different phone plans." The worker said happily as I tore my eyes away from the phone and looked over at his name tag.

His name was Tyler and he had curly brown short hair just like mine and I wanted to ask him his he maintained his curls so bad but I decided against it. His glasses were also brown which I found cute and he just looked happy to be here.

"Oh damn I don't have anything to trade in. This is like my first phone ever dude." I admitted and my confession actually made Tyler's smile drop.

"Your first one ever?!? No way! I'm sorry if I'm being rude I'm just super shocked right now sir!" Tyler asked loudly causing me to laugh.

"Yeah I just never really needed one up until now." I explained and his eyes still were super wide in surprise and shock.

It took him a few seconds to get back to normal but then once he got himself collected, I watched as his professional smile returned.

"I'll go check with my boss real quick. But I think we do have a company deal about first time users." He told us and I nodded my head.

I watched as his curls bounced as he took off quickly towards the hallway that said "employees only" to ask his boss.

"He's super nice isn't he Juno? And is it really that surprising?" I asked him, referring to how I've never had a phone, and he didn't say anything.

I looked away from the hallway and back up at him to see what made him so quiet but he was staring off to the side with a huge smile on his face.

I followed his eyes and spotted exactly what he saw which made me smile too.

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