Chapter 68

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Chase's POV

When I woke back up, I found myself sitting in a huge tub with bubbles everywhere.

I felt skin against my back so I knew I was sitting in the bubble bath with Juno sitting behind me.

I groaned a bit as I felt him trying his best to be gentle while shampooing my hair but I had a headache.

It was an affect I can tell my heat seemed to give me- unless it was a side effect from the medication that doctor gave me to try to regulate it, but whatever caused it was annoying.

It was a throbbing pain but it seemed to come and go as it pleased.

"My bad did I wake you?" Juno asked me from behind as I just fixated my gaze on the bubbles around me.

The bath he drew for us was hot enough to ease the pain and soreness my body felt after having sex with him, and I could tell he used some kind of lavender scented bubble soap because it was the only thing I smelt strongly in here other than his scent behind me.

I was surprised I could even smell him while we were bathing but maybe it was an omega thing? I didn't used to have a nose this sensitive to scents after all so this was all still foreign to me.

"Mngh." Was the only noise I managed to utter in response to his question because I didn't feel like I had enough energy to speak.

He didn't necessarily wake me up. I passed out while we were having sex and just now was starting to regain consciousness.

I've never passed out during sex before so this was also a first for me. We did go at it pretty hard and even though I was in heat, I felt like we went the extra mile just because we were finally starting to open up our feelings for each other.

"My bad, my bad. I finished changing the sheets and stuff but I needed to clean you up. I kinda did a number on you if you haven't noticed." Juno explained to me, causing me to look down.

I couldn't really see anything past my chest, but just my chest alone made me gasp.

I had bite marks all around my nipples, hickeys and light bruising I don't even remember how I got. I honestly couldn't even remember him teasing my chest to the point my chest looked like it got attacked this badly.

And if this is what my chest looked like, I didn't even want to splash the bubbles around to look in between my thighs and my legs.

Plus if I look like this, I'd hate to see his back. I know for sure I did a number on it because I could still feel my nails kinda tingling from when I scratch at him hard.

I tried not to scratch at him by just wrapping my hands around his neck but I couldn't hold back after we changed positions so many times. His back was just in the perfect reach for me to grab whenever I wrapped my arms past his sides.

It wasn't my fault we had a huge height and size difference and it also wasn't my fault he went so hard on me!

I was totally into it but I can literally smell the light scent of blood coming off both of our bodies.

My wounds just throbbed, especially the bite mark on the back of my neck; and I just knew his wounds were stinging in this bath tub too.

Hopefully he cleaned up his back and disinfected it before stepping in here. If not, I'd definitely have to scold him for it later.

Usually, wolves healed super duper fast if we ever got injured by anything...but that magical trait wasn't applied to injuries caused by your mates for some reason.

It was like a sign from the moon goddess that we shouldn't hurt our other halves or something since seeing the wound you gave your lover would make you and your inner wolf feel depressed and hurt.

So the scratches I gave him weren't going to go away for a while, and the stuff he did to my body wasn't going to fade fully no time soon either.

I hummed in pleasure as I leaned my head against his hands as he continued to massage the shampoo into my scalp.

My eyes were starting to get heavy again and I caught myself beginning to doze off again.

I shot my eyes back open each time but my alertness only lasted a few seconds before I felt them try to close again.

"Don't fight it Carino, just rest. Let me take care of you." He suggested lovingly and I pouted.

I didn't want to miss out on moments like this so I wanted to try to stay awake for as long as I could. It was our first time having sex. It was our first time bonding with each other as a couple, and he just marked me.

I felt my mark from him throb again and I winced as he carefully poured water over my hair to rinse the shampoo out.

I closed my eyes tightly so no shampoo irritated my eye balls but the second I did that, I struggled to reopen them. He probably planned this, which would explain why I didn't get a warning that he was going to rinse my hair, so I growled lowly.

I wanted to stay up and talk to him. I wanted to care for him like how he was caring for me too.

He fucked my irregular heat away, so now that I was sober and back to normal with a clear mind, we could talk about stuff more seriously without me trying to tear his clothes off of his body and suck his dick.

But he seemed to have other plans.

I know he can tell by my scent that I was back to normal but he'd rather me rest and let him take the reins for now.

I guess that was ok too. Maybe he wasn't ready to discuss anything yet?

He only marked me due to temptation from his father and his instincts or urges...but he didn't regret doing it so that made me happy.

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