Chapter 58

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Chase's POV

"You need to take him home." Juno's father said suddenly before standing up from his office chair quickly.

I looked over at Juno confused and saw that he had his right hand slightly covering his nose.

"Yes sir." Juno replied in a mumbled voice through his hand before standing up.

"Did I do something?" I asked the Alpha curiously as he started backing away towards the corner of his office.

"It's's just your pheromones are leaking out." Juno explained lowly before holding out his left hand for me to grab.

Seeing him covering his nose slightly ticked me off but I took his hand to avoid arguing again, and I didn't want to do that in front of his dad.

"Why haven't you marked him yet? You're not bonded and his heats are irregular? What are you thinking?!" His dad asked him loudly and this time he sounded upset.

But it couldn't be helped.

We were taking baby steps so I was bound to go in heat again one of these days. I was taking the meds but that wouldn't make my heats regular over night.

"Because! We're waiting until we're both ready. Not everyone can be like you and mom. I'm taking my time to get to know him first." Juno tried to explain to his dad as he led me towards the office door we entered from.

"You can get to know him after you've at least marked him! You can bond later but if you don't mark him before someone else does I don't want to hear shit from you, do you understand me? You're still not old enough to understand that being my son comes with more danger than you and your siblings know." Juno's father warned causing Juno to stop twisting the door handle to leave.

"Say we get ambushed right here, right now. You'd leave that boy's side to fight wouldn't you? He's an omega in heat, an omega that might be the next Luna of this pack. They might not piece together who he is but once they do, they'll take him! And even if they don't know who's omega he is, just that fact that he's an omega puts a huge target on his back. Are you understanding what I'm saying?! You both need to go home now and discuss this once his heat phase passes." Juno's father shouted and I understood he was just being cautious and worried about us but Juno was pissed.

He didn't say anything else to his father, and tightened his grip on my hand.

I winced and was going to tell him he was hurting me, but the look I saw on his face made me stay quiet. I couldn't even tell the Alpha bye before I was being dragged out roughly from his office.

The way he was pulling me gave me flashbacks to when he got upset with Travis back at campus.

He was walking really fast too!

I almost tripped over myself like three times just trying to keep up with his pulling as he led me down the hallway we were in.

And as soon as we finally got back to the front entrance of the main pack house, we were getting stared at from other wolves inside this building.

"J-Juno. Can you slow down a bit?" I asked him as he continued to drag me along like I was a some kind of rag doll.

He had that look in his eyes again as he ignored my pleas and I frowned.

It was the same as last time.

I couldn't get his attention and he wasn't listening to me.

But I didn't know what I could do to get his attention.

He was stronger than me so trying to pull myself out of his grip was out the plan. Yelling didn't seem to reach his ears.

And crying didn't work last time either.

It was like when he got like this, he was only focused on whatever he had his mind set to. And apparently that was getting me back home.

He was just upset in the process which I understood.

Being told that I could be in danger the way I was now probably set him off.

He probably knew that fact deep down but didn't want to think about it. Yet his father went and brought it up anyways. Surfacing a thought he'd rather not think about.

Then we finally made it out the pack house a few minutes later. He was taking me down the dirt path that led us back home, still using the same fast pace from before and I winced again.

He didn't know how to control his strength with me when he got like this. I was definitely going to have a bruise on my wrist from how hard he was pulling but I still didn't know what to do to get him to ease up on me.

Maybe if I somehow got him to trip he'd let go?

But tripping him didn't seem like the safest idea right now either. It would do more harm than good and I didn't feel like losing an arm today.

And even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

I felt my body starting to heat up like it did before and I was starting to grow weaker.

We would be home any second now with the rate he was dragging me so I should just hold it in and deal with it.

I began to pant lowly as my face flushed and the shocks coming from our physical contact was more intense than it was when I wasn't in heat.

I parted my lips and tried to regulate my breathing but it was no use.

Last time I was in heat, the pain was unbearable but now I was by my mate and not a human or other male wolf.

My mate...

Even though I was finally by him in heat, just like last time, he wouldn't be helping me get through this so I don't know what I was thinking.

He'd barricade me in my room and just stand guard either around the house or outside it until I got through this.

I whined just thinking about how he wouldn't be by my side at such a vulnerable time again but I told him I wouldn't rush him.

If he wasn't ready I just had to be a big boy and deal with this for just a little longer. If it took months so be it. If it took years I'd probably go insane but I could probably do it with his support.

I felt my ass start to leak again and I shrieked in surprise so loud, I actually got his attention.

He didn't stop his speed walking though, just picked up his pace even more causing us to be running home at this point which made me embarrassed.

He definitely could smell me since we were so close by each other. And it didn't help that Alpha's and their children had quite the nose on them.

So he could probably smell my slick which made me want to die from embarrassment!

I didn't like slick either. At all.

I knew it was meant to help my body prepare to be penetrated by him or whatever but it was gross. I didn't like getting wet and I didn't like feeling wet.

I knew it was leaking which was making me uncomfortable and it was annoying me. It pissed me off even more because even if we got home and I tried to wipe it away, it'll just keep coming out anyways.

"Fuck." I heard him curse in a deeper tone than his usual voice and I perked my head up.

His pheromones were giving off an arousing scent and the anger mixed in with that was making my knees weak.

And now I understood why the doctor said us living under the same roof might be a problem.

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