Chapter 95

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Chase's POV

"We need to think about the wedding plans!" Creed, Juno's youngest brother, shouted suddenly and that made even his sets of grandparents light up.

"Oh my goodness a wedding! When was the last time we held a wedding here honey? We need to invite all our friends from the other packs and start thinking of the decorations!" The Luna gleamed and Juno sighed.

I didn't even think of the idea of us having a wedding. Most wolves didn't really hold any after they bonded since it was a given that they'd be together forever after that happened.

I never pictured us walking down an aisle or anything like that. I just thought we'd mate and bond then continue to live together lovingly.

I looked down at our hands still interlocked and thought about how cool it would be if we did end up getting rings for each other in the future.

But a wedding? Maybe it was because it was more normal for wolves in power to hold things like that. As flashy as I was, I don't think I ever saw myself getting married at a wedding or having a cute wedding party afterwards.

They were expensive and I definitely couldn't afford to have one of those with the income I made. And I don't think Juno had a job either. Like he had training he did around the pack house but he didn't get paid to do that.

He didn't really need a job either since his father was the Alpha and took care of everything. Which is how we ended up having the house we lived in alone now.

And if we got married, I think I'd feel bad if we made our parents cover those funds too. They already took care of us a lot and the Alpha already had his hands full with taking care of all his families expenses and looking after the pack.

How could I possibly burden them with wanting a wedding?

If Juno wanted one, I guess I wouldn't mind it. I'd just have to try to get him to let me go back into the city or get a job here on pack territory so I could start saving up.

As much as I loved to sell and auction off my artwork, I was no where good enough to be able to sell my pieces at such a high price that they'd cover the expenses of an entire wedding! Ugh but I wish I could.

That would've let me make money doing something I was passionate about but I was going to have to get a different kind of job. Maybe something like labor related?

Just thinking about the stress that came with wedding finances was making my brain fry and Juno tightened his grip on my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No we're not having a wedding any time soon so you don't have to rush thinking about any of that." Juno told them as he held onto my hand tighter.

I looked up at him and blushed. He was probably reading my thoughts and sensed my anxiety and discomfort so he spoke up to try to quiet them down about the subject.

"I agree. Juno still has college to finish so maybe after he graduates we can all come back to this idea of marriage. I'm sure it's still too early for Chase too, isn't that right?" The Alpha asked me and everyone turned to look at me for my response.

Well he wasn't really wrong. I wasn't ready to do something like that because I still had a lot to save up for and giving him until graduation seemed like the right thing to do.

He still had about two years or so left until he finished college, and his father didn't seem like the type to pull him out of college just because he was bonded to me.

Juno still had his own responsibilities to take care of and finishing up college was just one of them. His sisters were already finished, Julio was almost done, and soon his younger brothers would have to go in too. So Juno had to focus hard so he didn't have any more classes to repeat again and be harder on himself when it came to his attendance.

Just being with me during this whole fiasco probably already caused him enough absences to maybe barely still pass or he was already fucked and had to redo this semesters classes like our art class all over again.

"I agree...we just bonded two days ago so nothing will change if I wait until after his graduation." I said loudly and that made his twin brothers send me a thumbs up in unison.

I smiled at that and Juno placed a kiss on my head. When he did that, I heard some awes coming from the table and he blushed at how much his family was embarrassing him.

"See. Now that's enough of marriage talk. The boys are still a new couple and if I remember correctly, Chase is a changed Omega. He has enough to deal with as it is." His father added and that made the table start to mutter even louder amongst themselves than before.

It slipped my mind that me being a changed omega probably would make some of our pack members look at me a certain way. I wasn't a born omega like the stunning bratty Emery, but a changed one that only changed just because Juno was my mate.

I blushed and laughed nervously again since I've never really had my second gender revealed or announced like this to other wolves.

"Just ignore them. I'm so sorry they're like this but I swear they mean well." Juno mind-linked me as he moved his head back and looked me in my eyes.

"Oh I know, I'm not offended or anything. I'm just nervous since it's your family. When you meet my parents it'll be way different since I don't come from a big family at all." I replied to him privately and he returned my smile.

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