Chapter 32

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Chase's POV

When we got to his car, he held my door open and even put my seatbelt on me before closing the passenger door softly.

The walk to his car was silent and I didn't know what he was thinking. I was still probably blocked off from his link and I wouldn't be able to hear his thoughts without us bonding unless he wanted me to.

I watched as he went around to the drivers side and got in smoothly. His face was expressionless as he buckled himself up and put the car in drive.

Him being so quiet was weird. I expected him to try to explain himself and tell me why he did what he did the moment he saw me.

But instead, he's taking me back to his place alone? I just didn't get him. And it was making it clear just how little we really knew about each other.

The drive remained a silent and quiet one.

He didn't play any music and neither of us made any effort to start the conversation either.

I just watched as the sun began to set outside his car window.

   Then I realized we weren't going anywhere in town. He was driving us back towards the main pack house but I stayed quiet.

   I didn't know he had his own place back home. So maybe he was like Julio and was a commuter too?

   The more I thought about it the more curious I got.

   Julio stayed in that house with his friends so was Juno the same way? Or did he stay with his parents in the main pack house?

Or was he living alone somewhere else?

   I guessed my question was going to be answered soon because we reached the border of our main pack territory already.

   The guards patrolling didn't even bother to stop us because they knew it was Juno which was a wild thing for me to see.

   Wherever I came home, I always came the same way he did but they usually bombarded me with questions.

     I peaked over at Juno and he was still focused on driving wherever he was taking me, so I stared forward too.

   A few minutes later, I watched as we passed the neighborhood where my parents stayed and then we even ended up passing the center of our pack where the huge five story main pack building was located.

   It was like the middle of our little town so if we passed up the neighborhood and town central, he was taking me to an area I've never been to before.

I wasn't the adventurous type when it came to pack territory so there was a lot of areas I haven't been to. I loved looking for amazing places in nature, like my secret spot back at campus.

But around the age of ten, I had to stop looking for areas like that here. Juno and his little buddies used to always appear wherever I went.

I don't remember how or why they always knew where I was but they always seemed to get in my way. It started off as petty children's teasing but they never grew out of it the older we got.

When I started changing the way I dressed probably was the turning point but I never understood why.

I watched outside as he drove us deeper into the forest and huffed.

   Thinking about the past was starting to upset me. I had to watch what I say though because I can tell his inner wolf was still scratching at the surface to come back out.

   Which probably explains why he's quiet and not saying anything to me.

   If we argued it would just cause him to change like last time and being so far from other wolves out here...I wouldn't have anyone to call for help.

   But if he got like that again, I had to learn to get him back in control like my friends said.

   "We're here." Juno said finally speaking up as the car came to a stop.

   I tore my eyes away from the dashboard and looked out the windshield to see where he brought me.

   My eyes lit up as I saw the sky's orange color illuminating the house we stopped at.

Originally I thought he brought me somewhere I've never been before but everything was coming back to me.

   We were on a cliff that was north of the main pack house by 5 miles if I remembered this place correctly. It was a cliff that was located right above the beach on our territory.

   The ocean bordered a large part of the territory we claimed north, but this cliff area in particular was hidden. It was one of the first places I explored but back then there wasn't a house here.

   I didn't even wait for him to turn the engine off, I took my own seatbelt off and swung open his passenger door effortlessly.

   I hopped out in awe as I stared up at the house and heard the sounds of the ocean down below the cliff.

   There was a trail on the side of the house and I saw some wooden steps, meaning it led down to get beach from up here.

   I smiled brightly and when I heard his car door close I gleamed.

   "Can we go down to the beach before the sun fully sets? I want to see the skys reflection on the water!" I told him excitedly then realized I was getting overly excited.

   I gasped and covered my mouth quickly as he walked over to where I was standing by the stairs.

   "Never mind I forgot were here to talk-" I started saying sadly but I was cut off by him extending his hand out to me.

   I stopped talking and stared up at him confused. He waved his hand in front of my face dramatically before placing it out in front of me again.

   So I took it.

   He interlocked our fingers after I took his hand, and silently guided me down the wooden steps on the trail to the beach.

   I was definitely like my dad when it came to over thinking because interlocking our fingers? Didn't that mean he was opening up to me and trying to deepen our connection?!

   I swear this kind of handholding meant he was trying to be vulnerable to me and just holding his hand made those electric shocks go through my body again.

   I know he felt it too because he flinched slightly when I took his hand.

   Our fingers entwining slowly as we locked our hands made everything so clear. This was how mates felt when they find each other.

   Our first meeting was based solely on our scents making us sniff each other out, but this feeling...the feeling felt so real and I felt the heat from our hands start to travel up to the rest of my body.

   The heat reminded me of how softly he kissed me before all the chaos broke out before today, but I knew he wanted to go the slow route.

   And now my attention wasn't even on the beach anymore as he guiding me down the sandy steps, I was just staring hard at our hands locked together as we walked.

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