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September 1st, 1976

Jack Combey got into Hufflepuff.

It was a shock for the three Slytherins but they didn't really mind. Their loyalty was to the Dark Lord not Slytherin house.

"Is that good? Is Hufflepuff good?" Jack asked Evan the next morning at breakfast but he didn't respond and Remus sat beside amused at the shock on Evans face.

He understood why Evan was shocked but because he already knew himself it wasn't too much of a surprise.

Jacks hair was jet black. Like Severus Snape black.

"What?" Jack looked worriedly over at Remus. "Is something wrong with Hufflepuff?" She asked and Remus suppressed a grin.

"No. Hufflepuff is fine Combey." Remus told her and Jack threw her hands in the air.
"What's his problem then?" She asked, gesturing to the still open mouthed, wide eyed Evan Rosier.

"It's your-"

"What's happened to your hair?" Regulus asked in surprise as he sat beside Jack. Jack shouldn't have really been at the Slytherin table but she didn't seem to care much for rules.

At Regulus' words Jack seemed to realise and she laughed nervously and looked at Evan.
"I'm a metamorphagus. Weren't you and Remus supposed to read my file?" Ahe asked Evan who looked at Remus.
"That was in the file?" He asked and Remus nodded.

"That's cool though." Evan turned to Jack and Jacks cheeks dusted pink.

They all fell silent as they ate, it was comfortable silence until it was disturbed.

"This is new." A boasty voice spoke from behind Remus and his grip on his fork tightened. "Greyback and a Hufflepuff in the group? Wondrous."

Barty Crouch Jr slid into the seat beside Jack and put his hand out.

"Barty Crouch, nice to meet you." She lifted her hand and shook his with a smile. "Jack Combey. The blues Gryffindor?" She asked and glanced at Remus with a questioning look.
"Ravenclaw." He corrected and she nodded.

Barty looked at Remus now and his smile became sly.

"Greyback how great for you to finally have found some friends. Even if they're a bit young." He purred in his direction and Remus rolled his eyes but remained civilised.
"Evening Crouch." he forced out and Barty tilted his head. "Good train journey?"

"Brilliantly." he mused and Evan shifted uncomfortably beside Remus. Evan and Crouch were great friends. They had been since they started in their first year. They were all also in the year below him, expect Jack. Jack was a sixth year like him. But Evan had warned Remus to try and be nice because he knew that Crouch could be alot but he'd like his friends to get along and they weren't really.

"That's great Crouch." He smiled at the Ravenclaw kindly and he spit out the sip of pumpkin juice he'd just taken. Remus knew he'd shocked him and he just ignored the look Crouch and stood up.

"I'll leave yous to it. I want to go to bed."

September 4th, 1976

"So, let's see your timetable?" Remus asked and she handed over a paper crane. Remus took it with a confused look. "A crane?" he asked and Jack rolled her eyes.
"Unfold it boy." she told him and shovelled a spoonful of beans into her mouth.

Remus did so and looked over her timetable with a few nods.
"You have Runes and Arithmancy with me, and Potions and Transfiguration. You'll have to make your own friends in your other classes." He told her and handed the paper back in which she proceeded to refold it into a crane with ease.

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