
28 1 0

December 30th, 1976


It was all Remus could focus his mind on. It was probably because of the bajillion spells flying about the room infront of him in practice duels.

But it wasn't offensive spells that he had on his mind. It was the New Generation mark that all of them now had branded on their skin. Evan was the only other with the mark on the shoulder blade, the rest had to have it on their shoulder directly. It was likely to have hierarchy purposes in placement but Remus didn't like that he couldn't see it.

He also didn't like that the magic behind it was persistent. If he received a scratch, or a lashing or anything of the sort over his back it would show through the scar like some sort of projection. Which meant he couldn't hide it.

He wasn't too worried as there was rarely ever an occasion he wander about with nothing to cover it but Remus was often unlucky.

He was a bit worried that he had felt a lot more easily irritated since he'd gotten in.

Jack was sat beside him, head on his shoulder observing the duels with him. She wasn't particularly a very good duelist and Remus wasn't in a good enough shape to be duelling. If he wanted to he could and if he had to, he would but it was worse then usual. He had tremors all up his arm and a gash on his leg from his own claws.

He'd have been fine if he hadn't lost control the night before Fenrir wouldn't have let one of the others curse him, he'd have done it himself. Letting the others curse him was never good, they took it too far.
He'd protested and it cost him alot of pain.

It didn't hurt anymore, he was healing himself rather quickly but it was taking its time with the tremors.

When he got back tonight, Fenrir said they'd be doing scent practice with a blindfold and possibly even hand to hand combat practice with the blindfold. Remus was honestly a little bit excited, blindfold practice never got him in trouble and it gave him the opportunity to show off. His hearing and his scent had always been better then average and he thrived on it.

"Barty and Jerry are hitting it off." Jack piped up, her tone off. Remus' eyes focused in on the room and flitted to where Barty and Nesbit were, both throwing spells in a pompous confident way, both grinning at eachother.
"I guess so," Remus glanced towards Evan and a small part of his stomach pinch when Evan, who had just won a duel against Adams, watched Barty and Nesbit with an expression of clear distaste, "that bother you? You sound jealous." Remus joked and Jack gasped, lifting her head aand wacking his arm causing his hand to spasm.

"Of course not. We're just casual me and Barty, its just weird. He's jumped on the Nesbit wagon so quick and he honestly hasn't even stopped talking about-" Jack stopped herself and glanced at Remus as she bit her lip, "I lost my train of thought." She lied and Remus knew she lied. But he wasn't bothered. He knew what she was going to say and with the sideways glance he gave her she knew he knew. But maybe not thr same thing.

Jack jumped to her feet.

"Oh look, Adams seems a bit wiped. I'll go swap with him." Jack piped,
"Jack." Remus warned but she skipped away as if he hasn't heard him. She had.

He watched her with narrow eyes as she tapped Adams out and snapped Evan out of his staring. He watched as she said something to him and he watched as Evan cast a nervous glance towards Remus before nodding.

Evan walked towards him and Remus shot to his feet. He didn't want to have this conversation here.

"Nesbit!" Remus called as he weaved towards them, "Swap with me."
Nesbit and Barty halted and gave Remus a funny look,
"Are you sure Greyback?"
"Yes." Remus snapped and Nesbit jolted away and nodded.
"Okay." He complied.

Evan was still approaching when Remus lifted his wand. Barty spoke up,
"Wait, Evan-"

Remus waved his arm wildly before Evan could reach him.
"Stupefy!" Barty was in such a shock he barely blocked it. Remus was shooting another spell before he could shoot one back, "Everte Statum." He spoke, his voice was clear and his tone hard.

It took a few more spells thrown at him for Barty to gain his footing and throw an offensive spell himself.

"Bombarda!" Barty snapped, teeth grating in irritation as Remus was blown back a few feet. He stayed on his feet although he felt the scab on his leg pull right and he hissed in pain.
"Confringo!" Remus countered, he meant to hit just beside Barty but his hand shook and the floor beneath Bartys feet uprooted and he managed to step off before it sent him flying. This regrettably got the attention of the others in the room.

Nesbit had taught Barty well in the few days he'd been learning, Barty danced around fluently as if he'd been doing this all his life so Remus done the only thing he knew to do to catch him off guard again.

Remus wand flew left to right as he threw all sorts of offensive spell, walking closer as he did.

Barty was falling back quickly, back to an onslaught of defensive spells.

"Remus chill out!" Barty yelled after he cast a Protego spell. Remus didn't and took that falter for granted.

Remus' wand went flying and Regulus caught it. There was a clatter of wood on the floor from where Barty was.

"Not Crucio." Regulus snapped, he looked furious at Remus, "You know how that feels so don't you- Crouch!"

Remus felt a fist smack into his left cheek and he stumbled back a few steps as his head snapped right. He looked over at Barty who was stood, fist clenched at his side.
"What is your problem?" Barty asked and Remus said nothing, just stared at him with an equal look of detest, "Fucking asshole." Barty spat and turned to walk out the door. That shouldn't have pissed Remus off as much as it did.

"Stop- Crabbe get him!" Evan yelled and Crabbes fingers just missed Remus' wrist as he went for Barty, his own fist cracking at his cheek now and Barty wasted no time in pouncing on Remus and they crashed to the floor. Barty had the upper hand for a few punches before Remus flipped them over and his claws flashed out, his hand spasm'd.

Physical fighting was even worse for Remus then a duel. His joints weren't taking it well.

Barty panicked and one on his hands fisted and slammed into Remus thigh as Remus began to swipe his hand down.

Remus yelled out in agony as Barty's knuckles slammed into the still heeling scab and he felt his skin break, he could smell it. Barty managed to shove Remus off of him, the werewolf stumbled back onto his feet and he kept his balance for a few seconds before his thigh gave out and he slammed down onto one knee with a bang and a hiss.

Barty was sat across from him panting, staring at his own knuckles from which the one blow had specks of blood. Remus pressed his fingers to his legs through his trousers and pulled they came away red and wet.

He blinked down at it before he grit his teeth and forced himself back onto his feet.

He looked at Barty and almost fell over as he stepped closer and reached out the clean hand. Barty hesitated but took it and let Remus pull him to his feet.

"Sorry about your face." Remus told him, all his pressure on one leg, he swayed slightly. "I don't know why I got so.." He trailed off and took a deep breath as he felt his head spin.
"Are you okay?" Barty asked,
"Yeah, im fine." Remus rolled his shoulders and stood up straight, "I'm great even." Remus glanced over at Evan who was staring at him with an indecipherable look. Remus pressed his lips together before he looked around and clapped his hand loudly, startling everyone. He began to walk back to where he was sat before,

"Get back to work." He ordered and there were no questions as eveyone fell back into pairs. Remus could see Evan staring at him still but he just stared at those starting their duel up again, all his focus on stopping the bleeding by forcing his leg to heal quicker.

Barty pulled him away.

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