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first things first- this chapters kinda jumpy but that's my bad :(
second thing- this chapter is so late because i spent literally all day tryna get a drawing correct to post on ig for moonys bday today :(

happy birthday moony :)

if any of ya'll wanna check it out my @ for ig @/ raebyrnesfau1tysarts
anywayy, hope you enjoy the chapter!

May 11th 1977

Evan suspected something.

Remus wasn't reacting anymore to the buzz.

"After being shocked so many times you get used to it." Remus used as an excuse.

Only Barty had questioned the torn skin on his neck.

Regulus gave Remus a smile and let out an almost believable laugh.

"Did you not see see it when one of those carnivorous plants in the greenhouse got to him?" He said with an amused grin.

"Greenhouse? Remus doesn't do Herbology." Evan frowned, "Neither do you Reg. What were you two doing there?"

"Potions." Remus had announced.
"Research." Regulus said.

Remus huffed,
"Research for a potion. One of those illegal ones from Winnie. We were seeing if the out of bounds greenhouse had the plants."

Evan scrutinised them heavily before relaxing,
"Did it?
" No. "
" That sucks." Barty spoke up before his attention diverted quickly and his lips were on Evans and Remus was grimacing.

They'd been doing this alot since they got back. Just abruptly being very affectionate.

" This is my cue to leave." Regulus said as he stood from the table and Remus scrambled up after him. Barty and Evan didn't realise.

As Remus followed Regulus away Remus couldn't help but glance back again and while they were still very much snogging, Evan had opened his eyes and was looking sideways towards Remus with a smug gaze and Remus whipped back around and picked up the pace to get in pace with Regulus.

His heart hammered against his chest.

Remus was over Evan. He had to be.

He liked Sirius. He liked Sirius way too much and way much more than he'd even liked his friend.

So when he felt a slight sickness in his stomach he was confused. He didn't have any desire towards Evan anymore.

"Hey Reg?"
"mm?" Regulus hummed, looking up at him with raised brows. Remus wasn't looking at him though he was focused more on Sirius who was watching him and his little brother from across the hall.
"I'm gonna spend the night in Gryffindor, cover for me?"

Remus finally looked down at Regulus who looked tired and Remus pat him on the head,
"You're the best, man." He paused, "if you ever need anyone to talk to im here." Remus offered.

Regulus looked away for a couple moments as they stopped at the entrance to the Great Hall, then he looked back at Remus,
"Actually there is-"

"Remus!" A voice cheered and Remus stumbled forward with a cough as someone jumped onto his back and he caught them by their legs.
He turned his head as he steadied himself.

"Evening MacDonald."
"Evening Greyback. How are you?" Mary grinned as she hugged her arms around Remus' neck.

Mary had been more openly affectionate with him, Remus wasn't used to it but he liked it.

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