
27 1 0

December 4th, 1976

"He's waking up."
"Black why are you even here? Also take that stupid jumper off you look terrible in green."
"I'm the one who carried him Rosier."
"Yeah well you aren't his friend."
"Doesn't matter."
"Just leave."
"You can't tell me what to do"

"Shut up Regulus."
"Don't tell me to shut up Evan."
"Regulus. Give it a rest."
"Sirius shut-"

"Can you guys just hush?" Remus groaned as his eyes fluttered open and he pushed himself up on his arms to sit up, "You're making my head hurt."

"I'll go get Poppy." Black muttered and he pushed off the stool and walked away from the bed. Evan took the seat and scooted it closer to the bed.

"You alright Remus?" Evan asked, he looked absolutely dreadful in the artificial light, his cheeks and eyes red.
"Yeah, you?" Remus asked and Evan laughed and nodded, "what happened? what's the time?"

He looked down at the covers for the first time and with a disgusted shudder peeled them off of him and swung his legs over the bed. He'd never liked the sheets in here though for once he was glad they weren't seeped with blood.

"You passed out in the hall after talking to my brother." Regulus told him and Remus looked over at him, "Its about 9pm, almost curfew. McGonnogal is shooing us all out of here soon, except you unless you're feeling better."
Remus furrowed his brows and nodded as the moments before he passed out came back to him.

"Where are Barty and Snape?"
"Sent out because they kept arguing."
"Im sorry Evan."

Regulus' brows jumped at the sincerity of the apology but Remus didn't seem to care that Regulus was there. Evans eyes went wide in a panic,

"I'm sorry I lied to you. I just- you were worrying about it so much and I didn't know when I was actually going to get it back-"
"Get what back?" Regulus asked.
"My jumper." Remus answered bluntly, "anyway-"
"Your jumper?"
"Yes. The one Black was wearing."
"That was yours? My brother had your jumper?"
"Yes! Now please Regulus- shut up!"

Regulus did just that. Remus' eyed him before he looked back at Evan.

"Remus you-"
"I don't like him like that Evan. I swear to you, I gave it to him before everything. I don't even bloody like him as a person."
"Oh Merlin." Evan huffed, cheeks going red.
"I only like you Evan. Just you okay. You're the only person I want to hug with, kiss with, its just you."

Remus had hold of Evans cheeks and Evan looked absolutely mortified as he was pulled forward.

Before Remus could kiss him he felt a pressure on hia forehead and he was driven back and Evans chair had rolled back and hit the next bed, he glared at Regulus who was bright red. Then it hit what had just happened and he looked as mortified as Evan had before.

A couple seconds later Black and Pomfrey had rounded the corner of the room.

Black glanced at Evan.
"What are you doing all the way over there Rosier?"
"Uh. Nothing."

"Oh Remus you're finally awake." Madam Pomfrey spoke and Remus smiled up at her sincerely,
"Hope i didn't scare you too much."
"Just a little, after all you have been getting a bit more irregular and considering the time of the month.." She trailed and Remus gave her a guilty look,
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Its nit your fault Remus."

"So, what's happened with your head then? Rosier said you'd bumped your head but there's no external injury. I've checked multiple times."  Pomfrey observed as she cast a diagnostic spell on his head and hovered it infront of Remus. He felt a pressure on his shoulders which froze his shrug and Remus withered under Pomfrey's angry gaze
"But I also ran an internal scan," Remus tensed as the external scan dissappeared and an internal one was dropped infront of him. The other had been white and blue, this was yellow and in bits orange, "and i got permission to a do a spell history."

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