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December 22nd, 1976

"Somethings changed about you runt." Fenrir observed as Remus stood with a muzzle over his mouth. It was so dehumanising, but necessary. This type of training often caused Remus to wolf out and it got dangerous, this way, he didn't bite anyone. "Something I can't quite place my finger on."

Remus repressed a shudder and stared straight ahead as he felt sharp nail drag a gently line across his cheek before it hooked onto one of the holes on the muzzle and yanked him forward.

"But I'll find out later." A sharp nail tapped on Remus' temple and it awakened the pain in his head. He couldn't afford to react though, so he stayed straight faced.

Remus wasn't necessarily strong at a normal time but when he had wolfed out Remus could overpower Fenrir at times and that was dangerous. If he took out Fenrir there'd be noone to stop him. Not for miles anyway. Harlow wouldn't be able to stop him nor would any of the other werewolves inhabiting the house.

Remus was shaped to be a savage and if he lashed out that's what he would be. He was, as Lord Voldemort had put it; Ruthless, Savage and Untamed.

Though Remus had to admit he was rather tamed.

"Crucio!" Remus caved in on himself with a yell of pain and he dropped to his knees as pain coursed through him. He didn't like it when Fenrir didn't warn him. The pain stopped.

"You didn't give me a heads up." Remus growled out at the man who stood infront of.
"You won't get a heads up in a fight Remus." Fenrir told him and he reached forwards and stuck two fingers through the muzzle holes and dragged him to his feet like that, there was no warning again, "Crucio!"

Remus felt his knees buckle and he fell again as he let out another cry of agony. He fell further this time, palms hitting the splintered floor boards. The pain stopped. He was dragged to his feet again before the spell hit him a third time.

He gritted his teeth and let out a groan of pain as his knees buckled again and slammed to thw floor with a loud bang. He could imagine the bruises.

When the pain stopped he felt his hand twitch. Fenrir could only do it so many times before he'd have to stop to let him self heal the injuries.

"Better. I don't care about the noise right now, you need to stay standing." Fenrir ordered and Remus was back on his feet with a shaky stance before Fenrir had the opportunity to drag him up.

Remus was getting angry, he could feel it. He was already angry but this was different, this was primal.

When the spell hit him again, he managed to stay on his feet but he stumbled back and he growled loudly, causing an echo.

"Good." Fenrir stopped the spell and Remus caught a steady stance again, having to clench his fists to control the twitching. "Better. But you're giving away your identity, most know you as human runt. And it needs to stay that way. Your Lycanthropy is a secret weapon and it needs to stay a secret."

A roar ripped through him as he felt the spell hit him again. He'd lost count how many times now, everything just hurt.

He felt the muzzle grow tight around his nose and mouth, and he heard claws scratch at the floorboards. He'd changed, he hadn't meant to.

" Control yourself boy!" Fenrir ordered after lowering his wand, he looked angry. So angry that if Remus couldn't hang onto it he would be scared, but he could barely recognise it. He launched himself at Fenrir and the older man had to change completely aswell ws Remus brought him to the ground and tried to snap at him through the muzzle. He was kicked off, the wood splintered his skin as he skidded into a wall with a loud thud.

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