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I was so busy writing yesterday i forgot to post 😭

September 11th, 1978

"I'm all for keeping Sirius away from Moody but we can't stay holed up like this."

Remus was agitated.

The room he'd entered eleven days ago was fitted with a kitchenette and a tiny bathroom to the side and a two person dining table shacked up by the door. The bed squeezed in beside the kitchenette. A single bed. For both of them.

And since he'd enetered the room eleven days ago he hadn't exited and it was driving him mental.

James said nothing and continued to stare at Sirius who the isolation seemed to be closing him off.

He hadn't spoken once in the eleven days. Remus thought itnwss that that was driving him crazy rather than the isolation. Sirius was barely even looking at him.

They took turns sleeping.

Sirius didn't want to touch him.

"Maybe we should just go back." Remus admitted and he pulled his knees to his chest. His bones were creaking early this cycle. It didn't start usually until a day or two before the full moon but a whole five days early bothered Remus, "This is pointless. Sirius is secluding himself and the full moon is coming up soon and i don't-"
"I have a meeting with Moody and Dumbledore tomorrow." James interrupted, "They know I have something to do with you two disappearing. I'll talk to them about everything."
"Let me be there."
"No way."
"Why not?"
"They're both strong wizards and knowing Moody he'll restrain you immediately."
"I can fend for myself."

"I'll be back tomorrow Remus. You should cool off while im gone."

Cool off? James had to be kidding.

September 15th, 1978

"I'll be back tomorrow my fucking arse." Remus seethed and he kicked a chair. Sirius didn't even flinch as it hit the wall beside him. He stared at the floor. It was Remus' turn to sleep but he was foo agitated to even lay down.

It'd been four days. Four fucking days.

" Im going to fucking- I'll-" Remus let out a frustrated groan and he sat on the bed and his head fell into hands. He pulled at his hair almost habitually. He'd been doing it alot.

They didn't even leave a book in the room.

Just the necessities like food and toiletries.

There wands had been taken off them aswell.

Hia head zipped up as he heard Sirius' shoe drag on the floor and he gavs tbs raven haired boy a nasty glare, Sirius didn't look at Remus.

"This would be so much more bearable if you were to just suck it up and talk to me!" Remus snapped and he tugged on his hair again and Sirius stood up and he walked past the bed and to the little table. Remus groaned and he dropped his head back into his hands, ball of his hands dug into his eyes.

He couldn't take it anymore.

With the full moon tomorrow he was less tolerable aswell.

James had really chosen the wrong time to piss him off.

September 16th, 1978

Remus woke up to a sharp pain in his shoulder and he sat up with a groan. Hed slept all up until the sunset.

Hed told Sirius to wake him up if he was asleep past noon.

His eyes flashed amber as his shouldered cracked again, followed by his back. Sirius had already turned into a dog and he was watching Remus silently from the bathroom floor. The main room was warm, the bathroom floor wasn't as it was tiled.

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