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August 25th, 1978

"Lily's going to look after you."

"I don't need a babysitter."

"It'll be her and Mary."

"Sirius im a grown uh- man? boy? Whatever! I'm an adult now Sirius. I can look after myself."

"Uh-huh. They'll be here soon."

"Sirius- Wait- ugh-"

Sirius walked out.

And like he said, Lily showed not long after with Mary in tow.

He'd seen Lily on his debut day but it wasn't proper. It had only been a few minutes.

"Its good to see you Remus." She said and Remus' face slipped into a smile. Mary stood behind her, hopping from foot to foot like she needed the toilet.
"If you need to pee-"
"She just wants to hug you." Lily informed and Remus stood up and he opened his arms,
"She doesn't- You don't have to ask Mary."

Mary launched herself at Remus and he almost lost his footing as he caught her, his legs hitting the bed he'd just gotten up from. But he didn't fall.

She was hugging him tight and Remus felt crushed but he didn't care. He let her crush him.

" Alright Mary let him breathe." Lily said as she sat down on the bed beside where they were stood. Mary let go,
"My bad I just-" She was crying? why was she crying? "Merlin I must look stupid." She laughed and Remus shook his head,
"No you don't- not at all."
"Its just that I know we weren't the worlds bestest buddies but we were friends and I hold all my friends dear and when you just went missing it was hard." She said, "and when we joined the order full time when we left school and Sirius came clean about your...secret identity, i couldn't even bring myself to hate you. Even after Marlene. and Merlin I just missed you. I barely passed my N.E.W.Ts without you!"

"Hey!" Lily interjected and Mary laughed and Remus sat down,

"I missed you to Mary. Im sorry I missed our N.E.W.Ts."

"It wasn't your fault. You were doing what you thought was right." She said, she was referring to leaving with Evan. When he thought he could prevent the feindfyre.

Remus just smiled at her and Mary moved behind Lily and pulled her hair from the braid it was in and began to rebraid it while she talked.

"I saw you in your uniform by the way, I'd definitely smash." She commented and Remus blushed furiously and Lily smacked her leg,
"He doesn't need your incessant flirting too Marlene." Lily didn't realise her mistake until Remus looked away and Mary hugged her over her shoulders.

"I'm okay." Lily said and she knocked her head on Mary's gently.
"You sure?" Mary asked and she nodded,
"Of course." She said and she squeezed Mary's hands before turning her attention to Remus who was now wildly uncomfortable, "Its just adjustments. Mary has been spending more time with me since Marlene passed and their names both begin with M so its easy to mix up. But I'm okay. "

"Your crying." Remus told her and her hand lifted to her cheek,
"oh how silly." She said and wiped her cheeks, "didn't mean to."
"Its okay. You're allowed to cry."
"I don't- I know that but I don't want to make you uncomfortable Remus. I don't know how you are with crying people and with what it's about-"
"I've dealt with a crying Regulus on more that ome occasion, it's okay."

He deliberately ignored the second bit. She was holding back for his sake and it made him feel selfish.

Lily took a deep breath and let out a laugh,
"Wow, Regulus cries?"

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