
11 1 0

August 31st, 1978

"I figured." Remus mumbled as he buried his face into the pillow he was hugging and Peter pat his back,
"Its not Sirius' fault. Moody and Dumbledore want you watched all the time." The blonde smiled sadly and Remus groaned and laid down, and he rolled over till his head was in Sirius' lap and he squeezed his eyes shut.

"I negotiate alone time." Sirius said, "That's why you'll have an hour or two on your own every now and again."

His nails scratched at Remus' head as his fingers ran through his hair and Remus shuddered. It felt nice.

"I don't mind it honestly, having to be with someone all the time. I just don't like that it makes me feel like a child." Hw mumbled and he turned so he aas looking straight up at Siriusz who cupped his cheeks upside down.
"Don't worry Moons. No child is as ugly as you are." He joked and he pressed a kiss on Remus' nose.

Peter fake gagged,
"You guys make me sick. I have enough of this with James and Lily. I came here to get away from all that lovey dovey stuff." He complained though he wasn't actually annoyed.
Remus laughed and he sat up,
"If you wanted a kiss you just have to ask Peter."

Remus leaned towards him and Peter freaked out,
"Oh! Remus-" He shrieked as Remus dropped onto of him, "I didnt- Moony!"

He fell off the bed.

Remus almost wet himself.

"I'm surrounded by children." Sirius mumbled as he slipped off the bed and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Remus asked and he looked at Sirius.

Still beautiful.

Always beautiful.

"Need to pee. Besides im sure you two would like. some alone time." Sirius winked playfully and Remus shook. his head.

What an idiot.

The moment the door clicked shut Peter sighed heavily.

"Its so tense. You feel it?" He said as he got up and he climbed awkwardly across the bed to where Sirius had been sat and pulled out a small vial of a clear liquid from his back pocket. He laid on his stomach.

Remus pulled hiz knees to his chest.


He did feel it. They were getting along because Remus was there but even a child could recognise that neither of them had actually said word to the other since Peter arrived that morning. They'd barely looked at each other.

Peter had become more relaxed without Sirius in ghe room, the tenseness in his shoulders gone as he poured the liquid in the cup of water Sirius had been drinking fdom.

"How long till you think he drinks it?" Peter asked as he sat up and pocketed the now empty vile.
"He always takes a sip after peeing."
"When im stuck in here for most of the day with him, you notice the small things."

Peter smiled sadly at him.

"It'll he different one day Remus."
"I hope so."

He hoped so but he didn't really see it. He wished he could see the alternative where everything ended up great. All of them, everyone happy and free.

Him and Sirius, James and Lily, ans Peter and Mary and all of them.
In an ideal world his friends would be there to. Evan, Barty, Regulus and Even Snape. He wouldn't kind Crabbe there either.

Jack and Nesbit were out of the question but Remus sas imagining tye ideal world. Not a realistic one.

"Do you ever still sit and think about Jack?" He looked over at the blonde who seemed a bit stunned by the question.
"This is random." Peter laughed nervously and Remus looked away and picked at the lint on the bedsheets,
"I just - do you?"
"All the time."

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