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hahhaaahhaaha i have only one more chapter ore written.  75 and 76 are in the works but are very unfinished. oopsies
also dk if this feels too soon to be happening in the fic but i like the timeline so idrc 😭

May 4th, 1977

All throughout the his potions lesson the implant buzzed in his neck, making his head jerk every now and again which caused him to make mistakes.

And although it was obviously annoying Sirius who had to go through the counter steps, the Gryffindor said nothing so Remus said nothing.

It got to the point where it started to hurt. He didn't know why Evan was pressing the trigger.

At a long buzz he stood up abruptly, his chair toppling over. Everyone looked at him,
"Mr Greyback?" Slughorn questioned,
"Toilet? Please."

Remus was out of the door before Slughorn could answer and his eyes zeroed in on Evan who was atood outside and he was reaching for his throat with amber eyes.
"Stop." Evan said at the same time a buzz rippled through him and he stopped abruptly, hand flying to his neck at the unexpected sensation.

His head was ducked slightly and only his eyes lifted to land on Evan who was leant back against the wall, one foot propped up and he was twirling the trigger around his fingers as he would his wand. He was staring at Remus with a dark stare.

Remus swallowed unsurely.

"Took you long enough."

"What do you want?" Remus snapped.

"Don't speak to me like that." He threatened.


Remus rolled his neck,
"What do you need Rosier?" Remus asked, his patience was being tested. If it wasn't for that trigger Remus would have the power in this situation. They both knew that.

Evan seemed satisfied with that and he pushed off the wall.

"I need you to get in a fight with Black." He said as if it was nothing, inspecting his nails with a hum.
Remus' brows narrowed,
"Excuse me?"
"I need you to get in a fight with Black." He repeated, before clarifying so Remus didn't go and beat up Regulus, "Sirius Black."
"I am not doing that." He hissed and Evan narrowed his eyes,
"Yes you are." He lifted the trigger.
"Why?" Remus managed to interject, eyes wide, before his thumb hit the button ontop.
Evan tilted his head, as if the answer should have been obvious.
"We need to keep your relationship with him at a zero. We need you back on our side."

Evan raised his brows with a smile,
"Me and Lord Voldemort of course." He said and Remus shuddered.

Riddle had him completely.



"Go back in and get in a fight with Sirius Black."

Remus' body automatically turned back to the class room and he slammed the door open. The whole class turned to him. Merlin this was embarrassing.


Remus looked at Black who was watching him with furrowed brows. He'd picked up Remus' chair.


No. No. No.


His feet carried him forward and his hand balled into a fist. In a flash he'd drawn it back and as he went to throw it forward there was someone inbetween them, they were shoving him backwards. His back hit the corner of another table and the pair sat at it jumped away with gasps. Remus winced.

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