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October 16th, 1978

Remus appreciated Sirius but he could be embarrassing.

"He's not being stuck on his own in a room with you!" Sirius yelled at Moody who was stood by the door with a placid expression,
"Sirius, love, Braxton will-"
"Oh don't you Sirius, love me right now."

Remus grew flustered at the soft scolding.

"He's probably got this- Braxton wrapped around his wrinkly fingers. Who is he anyway?" Sirius nagged and Remus buried his face into his hands.

"Im not a child Sirius I can look after myself why are-"
"Oh my Merlin Remus. Oh my fucking Merlin."
"He's huge!"

Remus looked up and he almost flinched.

Braxton was huge.

He was tall, much taller then Remus and he was built like a wall. He was fit. Physically fit, that is but Remus couldn't deny that he was somewhat attractive. Dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes. Fuck somewhat, he was very fucking attractive.

Not Remus' type but attractive nonetheless.

"How tall are you?" Sirius blanched and Braxton held Remus' eye for a moment, "matter of fact, how many people have you killed with this fucking hands?"

"Oh fucking hell Sirius." Remus groaned and he dropped his head into his hands again, definitely embarrassed now.

"What Remus? Mate your hands are big but his are- they're fucking colossal."

"Merlin, im so sorry." Remus apologised.

"Its okay. I get it alot." Braxton spoke and his voice was smoother then Remus expected, "I actually haven't killed anyone, I don't believe in unnecessary violence."
"And how tall are you?"
"Seven feet and two- no three inches."
"Fucking- holy fucking shit. Remus."
"He's taller than you."

Remus looked up from where he was sat and seemed hesitant as Sirius pulled him up to feet. The only persons height that could have rivalled Remus' till now was Fenrir but even he was still shorter then Remus.

But this was intimidating.

" You're worried but theres no need," Braxton reassured and Remus felt his joints creak as Sirius pulled him to his side, "We will be fine as long as you don't try to bite me."

"We're doing combat training right?" He looked towards Moody, "I don't feel. comfortable doing this on a full moon."
"Braxton insisted we start on a full moon."

Remus looked back at him and gulped audibly,
"Don't be a baby Remus, you'll be fine. I'll be there-"
"No." Braxton spoke up and Remus tensed up, "I specialise in training the magical and you are no magical."
"I am magical. I literally went to a wizarding school."
"He means you're not a magical creature, Love."
"Your Lupus friend is correct"
Remus almost went down and Sirius caught him. Too close.
"Just call him a wolf if you're going ro. refer to his Lycanthropy. We haven't worked out of his old training-"
"Which is why im here." Braxton interrupted Sirius who sneered at the man, "you baby your Lupus and he needs you to not."
"I just told you not to call him that!"
"Are you his trainer? No? I didn't think so. I have done this for many years."

"Whats an. old man gonna do against a werewolf?"
"Old man? I am but 37."
"More like 73." Sirius grumbled and Remus laughed,
"What was that?" Braxton questioned and Remus stood up steadily,
"Nothing," He said, "Let's just go."

"I'll see you in the morning Sirius." Remus said and Remus pressed a deep kiss to his lips.

"Oh Lupus boyfriend." Braxton said and Remus' head fell away and onto Sirius' shoulder and he groaned gently,

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