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little bit depressing for valentines but 🤷. happy valentines to you all!!

April 1st, 1977

Remus rolled his shoulders as he took a deep breath. Evan was staring him down and Remus wasn't sure what to do about that.

None of the others seemed to notice. Or if they did they weren't saying anything about it. Not even Regulus who was pretending to be immersed in a Jane Austen novel when he very obviously wasn't. He hadn't turned a page since the twenty minute coach journey began.

The silence was weirdly unbearable.

Barty's hand held Evans, Remus guessed as an anchor to stop Evan from exploding at Remus. Remus had a good idea what the letter Evan had received said and he was sure there was no way his predictions could be incorrect. It was about him. Something that Remus had never wanted anyone else to know. But now two of them knew.

Barty seemed indifferent but Evan was taking it aggressively.

"We need to talk when we get to yours." Evan told Remus who swallowed unsurely. They all turned to look at Evan who had a hardset expression on his face.

Remus was really against having them all come to his house. He had wanted to reply to Lucius Malfoy's letter arguing it but Remus wasn't sure defying the Dark Lord more then he already had would be a good idea. He was on his last limbs and he needed to get the lost ones back no matter how much a part of him didn't want to. A part of him wanted out but he wouldn't act on it. Not now. Not ever.

He was sure Fenrir had cleared the house out and he hoped Harlow had tried to make it look presentable atleast.

His own room would have a thin layer of dust as it always went untouched when he was gone.

"Okay." Remus responded and he thought maybe at the agreement that Evan would stop staring but he didn't and Remus felt a string of uncomfortability. He glanced at the Thestrals at the front and wondered for a moment if anyone else could see them. He stood and Regulus shot his arm up to hold his arm when he swayed as the cart jumped a bump in the path.

Remus caught his balance and Regulus let go.

"Alright?"  Regulus asked and Remus nodded,
"I think im gonna walk the rest of the way." Remus said as he slowly stepped through the middle of his friends to the open gate at the back.
"Need company?" Jack asked and she looked ready to pick up her jacket as she passed Remus his bag. He gave her a smile,
"Thanks but no. I'll be fine."

"You shouldn't go on your own." Evan spoke up ans Remus looked back at him with an anxious look. He was only leaving to get away from him. "I'll go with you."
"Evan I'll be fine really-"
"I'm coming with you." He stated in a more final tone. Remus sent a distressed look in Barty's direction but the Ravenclaws head was bowed down with an angry expression.

Remus exhaled slowly before he waited for the corner turn to finish before he dropped out of the carriage, Evan followed quickly after and they both moved to the edge of the path out of the way of the other carriages.
"We'll see you at the train station!" Jack waved cheerily and Remus lifted a slow hand.

There was silence between the two. Evan was staring ahead and Remus was looking down at him, observing. He looked tired, really tired. His eyes were sunken and the bags beneath them could be mistaken for a black eye at first glance.

"What?" Evans tone was harsh and Remus almost flinched but he didn't look away. He also didn't say anything. Evan seemed irritated at that. "Speak then."
"Why don't we just talk now?"
"What and have everyone know you're a werewolf? No thanks." Evan spat and Remus drew short. What?

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