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this chapter is really fast paced and may seem jumpy but as the fic is from remus' pov i wanted to portray how this timespan felt for him as its such a crucial time area.
the next couple chapters are also a bit skewed with time and i will give warnings and a small explanation at the start of those aswell.
anyway i hope you enjoy it!!

May 22nd, 1977

"Mate that's so fucked." James expressed and Remus nodded.
"I know."

Pettigrew fidgeted again and Remus looked at him this time.

"What is your problem?"
"Pete! No-"

Sirius launched himself at Pettigrew,
"We're animagus!"

"Pete!" James whined, "you ruined it. We were going to surprise him!"
"Im sorry! Im. sorry! I just couldn't help it. It was so exciting to tell him after we followed him in them for so long."

"I mean I guess that constant fur all over Sirius' bed makes sense name. What are you?" He asked ans turned his head to Sirius who had settled back down against Remus inbetween his legs,
"Dog. A big one actually."
"Padfoot." Remus hummed out, resting his chin back on the top of Sirius' head, "Even with context, I still don't get that. Paw pads for feet? It's stupid."
"Hey!" Sirius whined and Remus laughed and he looked at Pettigrew,
"And Wormtail? You're a..?"
"Oh. That's gross."
"Shut up. Atleast my nickname makes sense."
"That's true."

Remus paused az he looked over at James.
"And Prongs?"
"A stag. Great big ol' stag." James said,
"That's cool actually, really cool."
"Thanks but this isn't important. Shouldn't we be talking about Rosier?"

The room fell silent and Remus pressed a kiss to the back of Sirius' head.

He knew this wasn't space. Sirius had broken his own plea and while Remus didn't mind, it confused him. Alot.

He wasn't sure where they stood at all.

Remus had admittedly thought about asking Sirius about making it official. He'd never had anything official in that sense but Merlin he didn't mind Sirius being his first.

But it wasn't the time. Now wasn't the time and no time in the near future would be but he was happy enough with how they were.

"Therea nothing we can do about him." Remus' tone was dejected and his nose buried into Sirius' neck,
"So your going to just ignore it and leave him to- to die."  James stated.
"Im hoping he dies earlier then natural, i can't watch him go insane." Remus admitted and Sirius tensed in his arms,

"Remus that's-"
"James stop it." Sirius spoke up, his tone venomous and Remus shut his eyes and inhaled, "If this isn't easy for us imagine how Remus feels. Rosier is his friend."
"Padfoot, i know that but we can't let him just...i don't know it's wrong! Wr need to tell Dumbledore." James insisted and this time Pettigrew spoke up,

"I think I see where Remus is coming from."
"I mean, like Remus said, if Rosier was to find out he'd die. If he continues to live he'll get aggressive, he'll go insane and he dies eventually anyway. Why interfere when we know we can't save him?"

Remus tightened his hold on Sirius.

"We should just..let him die. It'd be inhumane to let him live if we know he's going to go mental Pete. He'll tear himself apart and he'll use the word. He'll use the word." James explained,
"It'll be fine if he uses the word. As long as I don't make him the person i trust the most then we'll be fine."

"Who do you trust the most?"  Pettigrew asked and Sirius laughed,
"What a stupid question." Remus muttered.
"Oh right, Sirius."

The room fell quiet.

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