
36 2 0

March 3rd, 1977


Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Arguably Remus' best subject considering his enhanced training created and handled by a user of the Dark Arts himself.

Fenrir Greyback set him up to absolutely excell in this subject.

As a user of the Dark Arts, it was almost absolutely crucial for Remus to be practiced in all it's defences sonhe could work around them in a duel or in a defensive position.

Today it was more of a theory lesson rather than anything practical which Remus didn't mind as his knowledge on the subject was just as exceptional.

Snape had sat beside him before Sirius managed to get into the classroom and Remus frowned as he watched the Gryffindor alip into the chair beside Pettigrew, Potter having claimed the seat beside Lily. The seat on the other side of Remus had been free but he guessed Sirius opted to sit as far away from Snape as possible which was fair. In the 6 years they'd been here, Snape never got along with the three Gryffindor Golden Boys. It was their own fault really, Snape was actually quite nice when you got past the fact that he was a blood purist and snobish and at times very annoying.

As the class filled up, Remus expected the seat beside him to stay empty but someone did sit beside him.

"MacDonald." Remus acknowledged in surprise as she began to unpack her bag with all the necessary items for the lesson including a textbooks with more tabs and papers sticking out then Remus' own one.

"Morning Greyback." She greeted with a chirpy tone and Remus raised his brows at her and glanced back at Snape who met Remus' eyes with a bored look.

Remus pursed his lips and looked bavk at her.

Remus had to be friendly. He was already friendly with MacDonald but he really hoped if he really expressed the friendliness that she would definitely be off the, "get into Remus' pants" mission.

"Whats got you all chipper this morning?" Remus asked her, lifting an elbow onto the table and resting his head into his hand. Then he hesitated, was this too open? Remus had read that showing open body language showed attraction. It was in a romance novel but maybe it was a world known thing.

He tucked his arms back into his lap and sat facing his body forward and his head turned half way in her direction.

He hesitated again.

Was this to unfriendly? He didn't want to portray that he was disinterested in what she had to say. He was interested.

He moved again. This time he he put his arms back up onto the table and leant forward on them with his head high as he looked completely over in ber direction.

Too uptight.

He moved again and this time slouched gently in his chair and turned his body towards her a moderate amount before looking over at MacDonald.

"What's got you all fidgety this morning?", She countered and looked over at him with a laugh as she leat forward on her hand and tilted her head slightly in his direction.

Remus' cheeks flushed in embarrassment and he sat up straight again. This was fine.

" Oh just, chairs are uncomfortable yaknow?" Remus laughed it off nervously as he picked up his quill and pretended to stretch his neck as he looked in Snape direction again.

Snape was already watching him as Remus had guessed he'd be with an amused smirk and he leant back casually in his seat and looked at MacDonald from behind Remus, gave her a once over, and then his eyes flew back to Remus.

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