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November 9th, 1976

Because Evan had broken down Remus had dismissed the rest of the conversation with a wave of his hand and they went up to bed.
"We'll continue tomorrow." Remus had said after he'd dropped Evan outside of his room.
"Can I tell Regulus? About Oaks." Evan asked as he put his hand on the door knob and Remus nodded.
"Of course."

November 10th, 1976

"Are you free to finish the conversation now?" Evan asked, catching Remus on the way to breakfast. He wasn't too hungry so Remus nodded.

When they got somewhere they were sure no one would overhear them Evan turned to Remus. They stood close to eachother so they could hear eachothers hushed voices easier.

"So Oaks is gone." Remus reminded although he knew his friend hadn't forgotten and Evan nodded grimly. "As I'm sure you're aware they send replacements, the spares, to fill in the empty spot on the team." Remus whispered and Evan nodded along.
"Have they chosen the next one? Is it another girl?" He asked and Remus shook his head.

"Jack was our last replacement.", Remus told him and Evans eyes widened and his eyes darted away. "Too many failed." Evan looked guilty, he'd been there when most of them were lost.

"Its not any of your fault Evan." Remus told him and wrung his hands together.

"So- So what are we gonna do?" Evan asked, ignoring Remus' statement. "Being one down isn't good. We started with fifteen but seven was the minium that he set."

Evan had told Remus there had been alot more of them to begin with but he had never quite been sure how many. Fifteen was alot and they'd been bumped down to six when Remus joined, he making them seven. And now they were at six again.

He knew that only Evan, Regulus and Francis Crabbe were the only ones left from the original fifteen. The rest killed.

"Yeah, the one down is what I wanted to talk to you about." Remus said and sunk down to sit of the floor and Evan joined him on the floor. "Voldemort set me a task."
Evan raised his brows as if he knew what was coming.
"Of course we can't be down in numbers and because there are no more spares he's told me I need to find a replacement. Someone here." He cleared his throat and looked away from his knotted hands and at Evan who was still staring at him.
"Someone here?"
"What happens if you don't find someone?"

Silence fell between them and that was Evans answer.

"Remus, you've had this for a week or so, I'm guessing since the letter. Have you any candidates?" He asked as he inched closer, voice growing quieter. Remus nodded. "Who?"
"You know who." Remus told him, he didn't want to say it because he knew that even if Evan said no he would still go through with it.
"Just say it." Evan practically hissed and Remus watched as he worked his eyes shut and he sighed.

He tensed when he felt the blondes arm tense against his.

Getting Crouch along the idea was going to be easy enough, he showed the typical signs of what a boy in the New Generation was like. Ruthless and able to follow orders perfectly without hesitation, no too little no too much.

Now Barty Crouch Jr could follow orders and he was pretty much perfect but after observing him, Remus had gathered that Crouch could be dangerous. He was manic and reckless. He was a danger to the New Generation, himself and Lord Voldemort.

"Remus, he can't. His dad." Evan hadn't opened his eyes and his knuckles turned white from how tightly he was clenching his fists.
"I know who his dad is Rosier." Remus snapped, he hadn't meant to but Evan being tense made his irriate. "I know. But he's our best bet."
"He'll get himself killed Remus." He would.
"I won't let him Evan." It was a lie, he could only control Crouch up to a certain point.

"Surely you can find someone else Remus." Evan reasoned with the taller boy and Remus ground his teeth with a sharp inhale of breath to calm himself.

"My decisions final."

"Can I be there when you tell him?"

Remus nodded.

"I'll have all of you there. It's not gonna be for a while yet though."

Evan took in a shaky breath and stood up and Remus followed suit.
"Right." Remus knew Evan was hoping Remus would change his mind. He wouldn't.

"I'll see you later Greyback." Evans tone was cold and Remus felt his chest tighten painfully.
"See you later."

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