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December 3rd, 1976

When Slughorn dissappeared Remus stood and slung his bag over his shoulder.

Potter and Pettigrew weren't joining them today which, if he was staying, Remus would have had mixed feelings about. They talked about information that Remus could report back to The Dark Lord but they were also a distraction. An unwelcome distraction.

"Woah," Black breathed as he watched Remus head for the door, "where do you think you're going?"
"I need to go." Remus told him and looked over his shoulder to face the Gryffindor,"Its urgent. Don't tell Slughorn I left."
Black hoisted himself up onto one of the taller stools and tilted his head with a mischievous grin. "What do I get from it?"
"What do I get from it?"
Remus felt like he should have expected Black to want something from it. They weren't exactly friends no matter how civil they were or for how long they hung onto eachothers belongings.
"What do you want?"

Black seemed to think for a long time. A long time that Remus didn't have because Snape was going to leave. Black smiled and began to swing his legs, toes of his boots brushing the ground.
"I've got it. I know what I want." He announced and Remus realised he was wasting time with extra words on purpose and he scowled at him. Black winked at him.
"What is it then?" He asked and readjusted his bag on his shoulder as he tapped his foot impatiently.
"One question that you have to answer under the effects of veritaserum."

Remus frowned at him. That was risky. That was so risky.

"Fine." He answered and Black gave him a surprised look, "Under one condition." His face fell but he nodded.
"Alright. And that is?"
"I won't make you take the Vow but you will tell absolutely no one what I tell you. No matter how incriminating it is." Remus told him and Black tilted his head,
"I could agree and still tell someone. How do you know I won't?"

Remus turned towards the door.

"Because you're smart."

The moment he was out of the door, Remus booked it, running as fast as he could to the Slytherin common room, smashing into walls as he turned corners.

"Snape!" He called and the boy stopped of the bottom stair and turned around to look at him with a blank stare. Everyone else in the common room had turned to look aswell.

"Its about time." Snape huffed as he continued up the stairs and waved Remus over. Remus weaved through the loitering students and followed Snape up the stairs.
"Where are we going?" He asked and Snape pushed open a door.
"My dorm. No ones ever in here until 9pm." He explained and Remus nodded, dumping his bag beside the bed he knew was Snapes. It was pretty obvious because it was pristine. He knew Snape wasn't messy.

"how come?" He asked. Remus was okay with the whole being casual thing but it did throw him off a little because he didn't really know Snape. He guessed it made things easier in terms of comfortability when they started training.
Snape shrugged as he took. off his robes and hung it on a small pedal that jut out from one of the bed posts.
"Not sure. They've done it every year, its Mulciber and Avery so they're probably off tormenting first years in the common room." He observed.

Remus watched him as he rolled up the sleevea to his shirt and removed his tie.

"Is it necessary to undress?" Remus asked, "Do i need to?"
Snape stopped moving and he stared at Remus for a moment before a sly grin slipped onto his face and Remus turned Red.
"You don't need to, but if you want.." He waved his hand as a go ahead, "I'm not leaving my room again now so no point in being in my uniform."

Remus kept all of his uniform on.

"So," Remus rocked on his feet a little awkwardly, "How do we start?"

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