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February 6th, 1977

The full moon came and went like a cupcake placed infront of Marlene McKinnon.

And Remus would know how quick that was because Black had Remus sitting with them all the time at meals.

It was still awkward sitting with the Gryffindors and Remus was honestly still not over that they'd gotten over their Slytherin prejudice when it came to him. They still didn't like the other Slytherins though. Not that they liked Remus really, that was obvious. They only somewhat tolerated him.

The only ones that spoke to him were Black and Macdonald, Potter would say a word or two and when Meadowes was over here then she'd speak to him.

The others didn't try. Evans eyes were on him constantly though as if she was trying to work something out. Why he was here.

Remus couldn't really answer that himself. Sure he was physically here because Black invited him but why did he take up the offer everytime. They weren't the best of friends at all. The chances it was pity sky rocketed every passing moment but Remus wasn't sure he cared anymore.

The Gryffindor table was different to say the least. It was a complete different atmosphere to his group which still coincided on the Slytherin table. They'd glance over at him, Regulus especially, with narrow eyes.

He'd gotten used to the weight of Snape steady stare on his every movement from the opposite end of the table from the others.
Lord Voldemorts letter weighed on his mind. He wondered if Snape knew what the letter said. Surely he had to. He hadn't said anything but Snaoe was evidently closer to The Dark Lord then Remus was. More trusted.

That thought still brewed up a rage in the Slytherin. He wasn't a pet that needed watching. It was ridiculous.

Remus' eyes drew away from the Slytherin table and they landed on the curly haired girl before him. He nodded with a small hum as an answer as he put another potatoe in his mouth. Macdonald smiled,
"Whatcha thinking about?" She asked, leaning her head on her hand at a slight tilt, watching him from behind her lashes. He flushed red. He knew that look.

She liked him. Somewhat.

Mary Macdonald had been the only one to not outwardly display any fear she had towards Remus. If she had any fear to begin with. He wasn't sure she had.

From the moment she introduced herself to him with a shameless handshake she'd been rather open with him. If she didn't like something he did she'd tell him. Not even Evan or Regulus would do that. It was honesty refreshing.

"So?" She asked after Remus had been quiet for too long and Remus let out a nervous laugh and his mouth moved before his brain could formulate a sentence.

Her eyebrows raised and he lips shifted into a flirty smile.

Remus hadn't meant it like that. He hadn't actual really meant it at all.

No one had ever shown interest in him like this, let alone a girl. In the middle of the Great Hall with their peers surrounding them. Remus didn't think he liked it but this was technically okay. Macdonald was a girl, yes she may have been a muggle born, but she was a girl.

Remus flushed an even deeper shade of red and he stammered as he tried to respond.

"About how insufferable you are Mary." Black jumped in and Remus was thankful for the save but he didn't want it to be such a harsh saving,
"Black." Remus hissed as he cast a nervous glance towards a hurt looking Macdonald, "Why'd you-"
"She's not actually upset mate, she just wants to get into your pants." Black explained and Remus looked back at the girl opposite him who now looked bored.

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