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November 4th, 1976

"Detention with my brother for a month?" Regulus asked and Remus hummed in confirmation before a big yawn escaped his mouth.

Remus and Regulus were sat in the Slytherin common room together, on one of the love seats but we're sat on the opposite sides leant against the arm rests. They had been playing exploding snap but got bored pretty quickly and resorted to idle chatter.

Evan was with Crouch and Jack.

Jack bad turned up the next day after disappearing and it turned out that she'd morphed to have a cats snout but was unable to change it back after so hid in her room until she finally figured it out.

"Yeah, it's bloody ridiculous seeing I didn't do nothing wrong. Potter and his bloody pranks." Remus complained as he looked towards the windows as he caught glimpse of a mermaids tale.
Regulus' voice was tight when he spoke.
"Yeah. It's childish."

Remus looked at him, amused but didn't say anything and he could tell Regulus was thankful for it. Remus had a knack for understanding when someone wanted to or should speak their mind.

"Its 8pm, i should probably go up to bed." Remus let out a soft groan as he stretches his arms above his head and a yawn followed.
"Its eight?" Regulus practically yelled and shot up and past Remus. "Goodnight Remus!" he called back and disappeared into the corridor. He wasn't sure where Regulus was going an hour before curfew but he didn't really care enough to ask.


"Everything okay Remus?" Madam Pomfrey asked him as he scratched as his arm absentmindedly. The dream from September didn't bother him too much anymore, like most dreams it faded away in memory but when he was back in the Hospital Wing it rippled at the back of his mind. His nails brushed gently over where the bleeding cut had been. Remus had never been one for nightmares so he couldn't say he was too surprised that it was haunting him.

"Can you prescribe me a few draughts of Dreamless Sleep?" He asked. It wasn't necessarily because of that specific dream but it was a bonus. Since Voldemorts letter Remus hadn't been sleeping easy, worrying. It was November 10th so he had just over a month left to get a new recruit.

He had his eyes set on Crouch and he was just scouting him out first, making sure he truly believed in what he said he believed in.

"Why?" Pomfrey asked.
"Just having trouble sleeping." He told truthly though he knew even if he lied that Pomfrey still would've given him some. She nodded and dissappeared behind the curtain.

"Oi Remus, how was it?" Evan appeared movements later. Since Evan had found out Remus was a werewolf in late July he became extremely interested in the humanoid creatures and Remus was the best source of information.
"It was good, just tiring. Like usual."

"I wish I could be there to see it onw day." Evan sighed dreamily.

"No you don't."

"Mr Rosier you must not be here!" Madam Pomfrey scolded. "Remus needs his rest."

So Remus had his rest, as Pomfrey escorted Evan out of the hospital wing Remus laid down and slept a long waited sleep.

When he woke up later Madam Pomfrey gave him a few small vials before he left and cautioned him not to use them all at once or it could be bad. He understood, tucked them safely into the inside pocket of his robes before he left for lunch. He usually got out about that time so when he appeared his plate was already filled up with his usual lunch and he thanked his friends.

"So, Remus, detention tonight right?" Jack asked before taking a hefty bite of the ham and cheese sandwich in her hand. Remus nodded solemnly.
"Yeah, with McGonnogal tonight." He said as he picked up one of the carrot sticks on his plate and took a bite.

"Good luck." Crouch scoffed and Remus shot him a nasty glare to which he lifted his hands in mock surrender. "I was just saying that because detention with McGonnogal is absolutely dreadful." He told him and turned away from Remus is a hump. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Be gentle Remus." Evan hissed from beside him and Remus looked at him unimpressed. "He's having trouble at home, just entertain him."
Remus looked back at Crouch with slight surprise, wondering if that was what the Ravenclaw had almost spilled to Remus about at the Gryffindor halloween party. He couldn't lie he was intrigued and he wanted to know but he wouldn't dare ask.

" Alright. " Remus said to Evan as he picked up yet another carrot stick and ate that one whole.

"Oi Crouch." Remus spoke, voice raised. Crouch ignored him. "Crouch." His voice was a little more firm this time and he watched Jack look away from him out of the corner of his eye. Crouch still hadn't looked at him.

"Barty!" He hissed and that got his attention.
"E-Excuse me?" he stammered after he most definitely got whiplash after how quickly he turned around.
"I bet I can scoff ten of those ham and cheese sandwiches before you can." Remus challenged and Crouch wasn't sure what to do for a few moments. Remus could have been on the floor in tears at the look of surprise on the younger lads face that Remus had used his first name.

Remus' friendly smile fell into a challenging smirk as a dangerous emotion flinted behind Crouch's now playfully narrowed eyes.
"How much?" He asked and tilted his head.
"A galleon."
"Deal. Evan start it."

Remus and Crouch both pushed their plates aside and grabbed empty ones, piling them with ten sandwiches each.

Evan counted them down and they both began scoffing them. Regulus watched unamused and Jack looked disgusted.
"You're both pigs."
"You snog one of those pigs." Evan snorted and ducked as Jack flicked a carrot stick at his forehead.

Remus was going to win, he knew that so he slowed down and watched from the corner of his eye as Crouch swallowed his last bite and jumped to his feet.
"Suck my dick Greyback!" He yelled triumphantly and almost eveyone in the hall turned to look at them and Remus had to cover his bread stuffed mouth out of embarrassment.
"Mr Crouch." Flitwick scolded from the front of the hall and Crouch just laughed and dropped back into his seat and held out a hand to Remus.

"My Galleon?"
"I don't just carry a Galleon around." Remus managed once he swallowed his food and took a sip of water. "I'll grab it somepoint this week for you."
Crouch nodded, his mood was much brighter then before and Remus watched contentedly as the brunette entered an animated conversation with Jack. Regulus stayed as quiet as ever.

He just watched Crouch and Jack until he felt fingers brush light ut on the side of his leg. He looked down and watched as Evans hand pulled away and then looked up at him with a confused smile.
"Sorry, just," Remus watched his blue eyes dart past him to Crouch across the table then back to meet Remus' brown eyes. "Thank you. I'm hoping that will keeo him cheery for the rest of the day."

Remus lifted a fist and bumped it against Evans gently.

"Anything, anytime Rosier."

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