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December 4th, 1976

Remus wished he'd taken Snape just a little more seriously last night because he'd have prepared himself a little better.

Snape had had to assist him up the stairs to his own room, into the room and into bed, his head pounding from exertion. It was embarrassing but Snape understood, reassuring the werewolf that he didn't need to he embarrassed.

Snape was alot nicer then he normally made himself out to be. But he understood the need to put on the front because he did it too.

"Alright I'm going now." Snape said after he replenished the empty glass with water and Remus merely nodded and turned over, holding the back of his head. He felt the boys hard stare for a couple moments before he turned away.

"Lewis, Spencers, Dibbens." He heard Snape acknowledge his roommates with a sneer in his voice before he turned and left the room.

John Lewis, Mark Spencer and Jeffrey Dibbens were Remus' roommates. There was originally a fourth, Sanders Kentucky but he and his parents moved to America in their third year so there was a spare bed in the room.

Under his new acceptance of his own feelings for his best friend Remus noticed things in the room he hadn't noticed before. Like the fact that the fact that Lewis and Spencer having first names as their last names was wrong and the fact that there was definitely something romantic between them. It was obvious that Dibbens knew something aswell but Remus hadn't asked. Not when he'd eventually find out on his own.

"Remus Greyback!" A voice called as the door to the room slammed open and he groaned and covered his head with his pillows, it all still hurt. His head, ears, eyes. It just hurt. "Up you get Princess, you have a letter from Valeska."

Remus just grumbled again and curled up into a tighter ball.

"Lloyd Valeska." Evan repeated and Remus didn't move or make a sound and. He felt the bed dip beside him and a calloused hand slip over his shoulder gently. "Are you okay Remus?" Evan asked and he received a groan in response. He knew no one was in the room, Evan having come to get him meant everyone had left and it was probably late in the day.

"Rem." Evan repeated, "I'm taking the pillow okay." Remus did nothing as Evan pulled the pillow and propped it against the headboard, "morning sunshine." His voice was quiet and soft and Remus felt something warm tug in his chest so he smiled before he rolled over and his face landed in Evans lap and he moved his arms around his waist. Evan shifted slightly but didn't make a move.

Evan smelt good. Evan always smelt good. Citrus and coconuts.

"Morning." He muttered and he turned over and opened his eyes to look up at Evan who was grinning down at him, "What's the time?"

Remus almost bashed heads with Evan as he sat up in a panic.
"You're kidding." Remus stated and he spun around to face Evan and a wave of dizzyness flashed over him and he blinked rapidly to collect himself and took a deep breath.
"No im not- are you okay?"
Remus nodded and rubbed the back of his head gently.
"must have bumped my head sleeping." He lied, he wasn't going to tell Evan it was from the lesson with Snape the night before.

Evan eyed him for a second before he reached forward cupping Remus' cheeks and pulling him forward to kiss his forehead.
"There. All better." He joked.

"Its gonna be more then a headache that kisses from your boyfriend can fix."

"You're right," Remus laughed and he took one of Evans hands into his and ignored the consistent ache, "all better."

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