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this chapter covers alot of bases and a big stretch of time (3 months) as there isn't anything big happening in between this ethree months that need a whole chapter to themselves.
Im sorry in advance for the end btw 😇

November 3rd, 1978

"Happy birthday, Love." Remus finally managed as he deflected yet another attack from a death eater.

It was a little after midnight and they'd been on the field since 9pm the night before.

Remus in his white robes and mask and Sirius in a loose leather jacket and jeans.

Reinforcements had come only five minutes ago and the pressure on the pair let up.

Sirius took the quiet second to turn and lift Remus' mask and give him a short kiss which was interrupted by Remus having to deflect yet another curse.

"Thanks Moony." Sirius said and his hand squeezed Remus' arm before he got into a fight with a death eater that had attacked them head on.

Remus turned at the opportunitity and fled for the original reason of the operation.

The twins sat crumpled under the stairs of the small house in Godrics Hollow and they screamed at the sight of Remus but he quickly dropped his wand to show he wasn't a threat, but he understood why they screamed. Trying to portray a beacon of hope against himself while wearing the mask he was wasn't ideal.

It was creepy.

"Im here to help."  He said and that didn't seem to sway them and he sniffed the air, testing the waters, before he lifted his mask and the hood fell back. The twins fell still for a moment, Remus' actual face wasn't the nicest either with the scars.

Their fear was pungent until they saw his eyes glow a golden yellow and they scrambled into Remus' open arms.

"You're like us." One of them, the young boy, muttered into his robes and Remus held them close to him. He was like them.
"Yes, I am."
"You're going to help us?" The little girl asked and Remus looked down at them and nodded.

"Of course I am. You're going to go somewhere safer then here where they won't hurt you."

He reassured and a hand that wasn't his pushed his mask back down and Remus looked up towards Sirius who smiled down at him.

"Greyback won't be getting these two back Guardian." Sirius spoke and Remus nodded and rested his head against the young girls head and he shut his eyes with a deep breath.

He knew that.

November 16th, 1978

There hadn't been a complete order meeting in a while and it made Remus anxious.

They still didn't like him and he knew that. He was very aware of it.

He didn't pass them in the halls of the compound often, most of them lived at home, but when he did they'd make sure they walked or stood as far from him as possible and they never forgot to send him a nasty look.

It hurt because he was on their side. He wasn't going to hurt them. Sirius had control of him now, bot Evan and they all knew that.

They just didn't want ro accept it.

It could all stem from there prejudices against werewolves but Remus had hurt alot of their families. He'd killed alot of their families.

Like he'd killed Mark Spencer.

He took a deep breath.

"It'll be fine Remus."  Sirius reassured and Remus' grip on his hand tightened and he smiled down at him,
"I kmow it's just..they didn't even give us a briefing this time. I'm just worried."

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