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October 5th, 1976

Dear Remus,

I thought I'd let you know you'll be receiving a letter from Lloyd Valeska somepoint this week. Be prepared to answer it asap,


Remus stared at the name on the letter. Lloyd Valeska or in his better known name Lord Voldemort.

He and Harlow decided that if they were to talk about him in letters it'd be better to use a code name then any official title.

"Who's Lloyd Valeska?" Evan asked as he peered over his shoulder at the letter. Remus just folded it and gave him a pointed look. Evan frowned.

"Lloyd Valeska." Remus spoke, emphasising the beginnings of each name. Evan still stared at him dumbfounded.

Evan was smart, that was undeniable but sometimes Remus thought that he could be unbelievably thick. He grabbed his arm and pulled his closer.

"Voldemort." He hissed quietly in his ear and Evan tensed up but nodded.
"Right. Why would he be sending you a letter?" Evan asked and Remus shrugged.
"I'm just as clueless as you. If its just me he's owling it'll probably be something regarding The Club.

The Club was a name Evan and Remus had decided on what to call the New Generation when Crouch was around. Word about the actual New Generation was getting out so they couldn't risk someone overhearing them even if it was just Crouch.

True to Harlow words, by the end of the week an unfamiliar, dusty looking snow owl dropped a letter infront of Remus. He looked over the swirly writing on the front and tucked into the inside of his robe. Evan gave him a knowing look.

Later that night when Remus climbed into bed and closed the curtains and after he cast lumos to light up the dark confines of his bed, he opened the letter and smoothed it out of the bed before picking it up.

'Dear Remus Greyback,

I have a couple things to inform you about.

I spoke to your guardians after your departure for Hogwarts and they have informed me that you usually stay at Hogwarts for Christmas but I will need you to go home this Christmas as I expect you to keep running the New Generation Meetings accordingly instead of wasting away in that school.

The New Generation should be your first priority. They are trained to the perfection their parents could provide, you need to train them to your perfection and your standards.

Secondly Remus, I wanted to personally give you a task to find a new member for the New Generation. Miss Combey had been one of few spares i' d ordered to be trained as there was inevitably going to be failures like Mr Wolf. Miss Combey had been our last spare as there had been many failures over the two years Mr Evan Rosier had been in charge of the New Generation and we ran dry.

I thought to test how well your skills are I'd like you to sought out a new member. This could be anyone of your choosing, no matter the house or family (just not a mudblood, pureblood is preferred but hald blood will do.) But you need to make sure they won't spill anything ro anyone and are trustworthy. Someone who shares the same strive for my success as you and the rest of the New Generation.

Fail Mr Greyback and its your life.

You have until Christmas.

You may be wondering why you need a new recruit, unfortunately Oliver Oaks has fallen through and we've had to put him down. I won't state any specifics unless you ask.

Lastly, I'd like to hold a private meeting bewteen the two of us on Boxing Day. Fenrir will give you the details when you return home for Christmas.

After you put this letter down it will burn. So make sure you've absorbed every detail.

Have a pleasant rest of your school year Mr Greyback,

Sincerely, Tom Riddle.'

Remus watched the letter burn on his silk bedsheets and leave a smoking burn on them, he fixed it with a wave of his wand.

Oliver Oaks had been the youngest. Fourteen if Remus could remember correctly. He'd been a child and he was killed.

He frowned deeply and discarded his now dark wand and dropped back to lay down and stare at the roof of the canopy bed.

A new member. He had to pick a new member and Remus had a feeling he knew exactly who he was going to choose.

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