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March 6th, 1977

"You hear Dumbledore at dinner yesterday?" Lily came up beside him and Remus looked down at the redhead with a gentle smile,
"No, I wasn't at dinner yesterday. I was sick." Remus excused, ignoring the ache in his arms as they healed.

"I did wonder where you were." She hummed and Remus held her eye for a second to long before he looked ahead, "you feeling better?"

Remus nodded,
"much, thanks. so what did Dumbledore say?" Remus asked and Lily grinned aat him before slipping ahead slightly and twirling around, her skirt billowing.
"We get to go home for Easter Remus."

Remus felt a dizzy spell and his vision warbled out of focus for a moment before coming back.

"Exciting right?" She questioned, walking backwards infront of him, hands clasped behind her back. Remus took deliberate shorter steps.
"Yep, very. Do we get a choice to stay here?"

"We do but why? you thinking of staying?" She tilted her head.

"Yeah." Remus answered simply before changing the subject. He had to make sure Fenrir didn't find out, that none of the others told their parents. That The Dark Lord stayed clueless, he didn't want to kill anyone sooner then he had to, "anyway I didn't think you'd be talking to me again so soon. Especially after.." He clearer his throat, "what I did tto your boyfriend."

Lily blinked up at him before quirking a lopsided smile that made Remus return a straight one himself.

"He's fine. James can be a headed sometimes. Bit boisterous." Lily explained, "he pisses me off alot, i sometimes still wonder why after six years I finally broke and said yes." She joked and Remus laughed as she slipped back into a walk beside him.

"Have you got your eye on anyone Remus?" The rehead asked and Remus instantly thought about Sirius and his smile. His laugh. His everything. He shook his head.
"No, I don't." He told her, "Just trying to focus on school."

Lily peeked behind them but then looked back at Remus.

"Are you gay Remus?"

Remus blinked once, then blinked twice and then his faace contorted into a look or terror.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." Lily peeked behind them again and her eyes lingered, "I don't care if you are. My mates are gay." She looked back at him and he looked behind them as a brunette running in their direction.
"What gives you that idea?" Remus asked, cooly as he recognised the brunette as Jack.
"Well on Friday-"

Remus braced himself as Jack leaped at them and landed on his back, legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck. He caught ber by the thighs but lost his books in the process. He stumbled over them.

"Remus, I have news!" She squealed excitedly, kicking her legs and Remus rolled his eyes and looked at Lily who had also stopped and was crouched down, picking up Remus' books, "We get to go home for Easter!"

"Yeah, Lily just told me." Remus said as Jack slipped off his back and took the books off Lily and shoved them into Remus' hands.

She spun back to Lily and offered her hand out,
"I know we've met but not formally. Jacqueline Combey at your service ginger." Lily looked over at Remus who nodded reassuringly and Lily looked back at Jack and went to take her hand, but was startled by the change in hair colour.
"Oh. Your hair." She commented and Jack grinned and shook her now ginger hair out, "looks good."
"Thank you."

Lily took her hand and shook it firmly,
"Lily Evans." She introduced,
"Lils work?" Jack asked,
"Jackie work?"

Jack's face lit up,
"Obviously. No one ever calls me Jackie."
"Bit rude that." Lily commented and gave Remus a pointed look.

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