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January 26th, 1977

"Morning Greyback." Black hummed as he slid into the seat beside Remus in potions that morning. Remus only groaned back in response before burning his face back into his arms.

He was tired to say the least both physically and mentally.

He hadn't been sleeping well, the mark on his shoulder blade burnt, he had asked Jack about hers but she said hers was fine. He wanted to ask Regulus but he always seemed to be with either Evan or Barty and Remus still didn't want to speak to either of them.

Well he wanted to but he didn't think he could. His feelings still felt too fragile.

Evan had tried to talk to him one time on Monday in the common toom where he was sat with Jack and Remus had stayed silent whilst Jack warned him off.

He needed better sleep and he needed to get over this non official split between him and Evan and then he'd be fine.

His emotions had been on more display then usual since Friday and Remus didn't like it but he just rolled with it as the emotions seemed to freak people out and keep them away as much as the limited emotion did.

He had been cosier with Lewis and Spencer alot more in the past couple days and although he kept his distance from their group at meal time they spoke freely in their room, even Dibbens joined in eventually when he realised Remus was okay.

There was just the quiet chatter of the room for a moment where Black was as silent as Remus before he spoke again and his voice was closer then before.

"You okay?"

Remus turned his head slightly and looked at Black through the corner of his eye. The corner of his lips threatened to tip up in a smile when he saw the Gryffindor with his head down on his own arms, facing Remus with a worried look. He turned his own head completely and his lips pressed into a thin line.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Remus responded in a quiet voice and Blacks lips shifted into an unconvinced smile but he nodded and sat up either way.

Remus noted that his hair was tied back halfway. It suited him.

The werewolf sat up himself and stretched, his back cracking as he did.

"How are you?" Remus asked, out of courtesy and Black nodded.
"I'm alright.." He trailed off for a moment before he continued, "I've just been thinking alot lately."
"Oh no, I'm sure your tiny brain is tired.", Remus teased and a shoe met his shin sharply,
"Don't interrupt."
"Sorry, what have you been thinking about?" Remus rested his head on his hand and his eyed stayed on Black who stared ahead,

"On Friday," Remus felt dread course through him, "When know...Rosier came around the corner." Remus was definitely full of dread and Black met his eyes, "moments after you did and that means you were running from him."

"Stop beating around the bush Black." Remus coaxed nastily, Black sat up straight and tilted his head gently, licking his lips,

"There was something between you two wasn't there?", Black asked and Remus looked away aat the table and his shoulders rolled back. He nodded. "I thought so. You haven't spoke to him since- Well I haven't seen you with him since lunch on Friday."

That was pretty much the last time they had a civil conversation.

"Were you two dating?"
"No." Remus snapped, he didn't want to talk about this anymore. He didn't want ti think about Evan.
"But you were a thing?"

"Sort of." Remus suddenly pulled uo the offensive, "what is it with you and all these questions?" He snapped again with a ferocious look and Black held up his hands in defense.
"Chill, I just want to make sense of things." Black defended and Remus let out a huff of annoyance and his voice lowered.

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