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September 29th, 1976

He was in the shrieking shack when he woke up, joints sore and a large cut on his arm bleeding.

"What the fuck." he grumbled as he lifted himself using the support of the oddly placed piano in the middle of the room and collapsed against it.

Why he was in the shrieking shack he didn't know. He remembered the moments before he blacked out but that had been weeks before the full moon. The cut on his arm suggested it was the morning after the full moon. The start of October. It had been mid September when he'd gotten angry at Evan.

He jumped when the door unlocked and Madam Pomfrey walked in swifty.

"Ah you seem to be okay." Pomfrey smiled and walked to him and took hold of his good arm and helped him to the bed where he fell back with a thud. She smiled down at him and crouched to sit beside him.

"Madam Pomfrey, what's happened?" He asked and she looked down at him with a frown.

"What on earth are you on about Remus?" She asked. "Do you not remember?"

"Remember? Remember what?" She looked away with a sad look and Remus put a hand on her shoulder and he pulled it back when he head snapped to his in an inhuman way.

"You killed them all."

Remus' blood ran cold and his eyes widened and he scrambled away Madam Pomfrey.

"What? What do you mean?" He asked and his clutched his bleeding arm with grimy hands. "You're lying."

"They're all dead Remus. Evan Rosier, Regulus Black, Jack Combey, Barty Crouch Jr, James Potter, Dumbledore." She trailed off and her calm face suddenly grew angry. "You killed them all Remus Lupin. You killed them all."

Remus didn't even regard the surname she used and he began crying as he back hit the wall and her wand was pointed at him.

"You killed Harlow Greyback. You killed me."

"No. No." He cried and curled in on himself as Pomfrey's face twisted maniacally.
"Yes Remus, you did. You are a monster." A wordless spell shot from her wand and hit him.


Remus woke up with a loud gasp and he sat up. Madam Pomfrey was at his side with a bucket and shoved it under his face and he threw up moments later.

A dream. It was a dream.

He wiped at his mouth with a grimace as Madam Pomfrey took away the bucket, vanishing the vomit inside.

"How are you feeling Remus?" She asked as she waved her wand a ran a diagnostics spell on his head. He sat, hunched forward slightly and was very aware of the dull pain in his head.

"I'm okay." He lied, "I feel fine."

Madam Pomfrey waved the diagnostic spell away and pursed her lips down at Remus.
"A head injury can be tricky, especially a concussion, are you sure?" Remus just nodded and the medi-witch handed him a small vial of some sort of pain relief and Remus took the quick swig.

The dull pain quickly disappeared but be tried not to show the relief in his face.

"You should be good to leave, if there's any problems let me know." She told him, left a set of clean robes on the edge of the bed and dissappeared behind the curtain and back into the hospital wing.

Remus got up and changed before leaving and heading for the great hall after realising it was a little bit before dinner. He was the first there out of all his friends and sat down in their usual area.

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