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December 1st, 1976

Remus was still getting used to the fact that Barty knew about his Lycanthropy, for longer then any of the others had. He wasn't used to the fact that Barty now openly knew about it because he wasn't playing it safe. He was taking risks with his words that gave Remus the urge to rip his throat out. With his teeth.

Another thing he was still getting used to but absolutely adored was Evan Rosier. Not Evan Rosier as Remus already knew him, not the gentle touched and loud Evan Rosier but the hand roaming and shy Evan Rosier. Shy. Shy on a scale Remus never would have thought him to ever be.

Even thinking it felt off to him.

It wasn't really an outward show of shyness, he was still all shit eating grins and loud, ironic proclamations of adoration. It was all in his touch. As handsy as he was there was a permanent hesitance in anything he done, the tester brush everytime he went in for a kiss or tried to hold his hand, the lifted weight when he'd rest a hand on Remus' knee or lay his head on his shoulder.

It was honestly startling.

Evan had also stuck by his word and not told anyone about Remus and as constricting as having to find the time to do everything they wanted and finding somewhere to do it was, Remus had never felt so free mentally. The whole thing sparked a realisation in him, that he could think freely. He didn't have to act on his thoughts but he could think it all fine. There were no repercussions.

Well not momentarily anyway. He knew he'd get his memories dug through the moment he went back home for Christmas. Fenrir had it done everytime, everything Remus thought, felt or saw would be laid bare to the man and anything unacceptable would be found out. Every moment, feeling or emotion he shared with Evan wouldn't be so private anymore. Every secret he told or got told.

And he couldn't let that happen so he turned to the one art he knew woukd keep him safe from Fenrir Greyback.


As free as his mind was to roam, Remus was still smart. He knew if he was self taught he wouldn't reach the correct skill level he needed to be by the Christmas holidays and Remus blessed himself over the fact that he knew when he needed help and when to ask for it. And who to ask for it.

Remus knew alot about everyone.

He knew that Frank Longbottom had slept with half of his year group, girls and boys.

He knew that Marlene McKinnon had a nicotine addiction.

He knew that Wulfric Mulciber actually had the fattest crush on Mary Mcdonald and only bullied her because he had no other option to be close to her without upsetting his parents.

And he knew that if he wanted to advance quickly with his occlumency skills then he had to go to Serverus Snape.

That boy was an absolute genius when it came to occlumency. Remus had seen him at it and it was absolutely enchanting. He wasn't too fond of Snape but he was undoubtedly a genius when he wanted to be.

So after Runes he shooed Jack off and he caught up to Snape. Snape was one of the few who weren't really deterred by Remus and Remus liked that about him, even if he didn't like him as a whole.

"Hello Snape."
"Greyback." The boy nodded at him. They weren't the same height but he didn't tower over Snape like he did most others, his fellow Slytherin was rather tall himself.

"Your looking well." Remus observed and Snape gave him an odd look.
"Is there a reason I wouldn't be?" He asked and Remus knew that was the wrong thing to say and he offered a crooked smile.
"Didn't mean it like that. I'm done with the small talk anyway," Remus cornered him towards a wall and Snape sneered as he was forced to turn a dead end, "we need to really talk."

"Am I late?" Evan piped as he turned the corner just after with a lopsided grin and Remus smiled.
"Just on time."

"Alright. What is this?" Snape asked and  glared at the pair of them, hands crossed over his chest defiantly.

Remus looked at him and his smiled shifted into a serious line. Snape seemed to understand the severity and he straightened his back and nodded.
"Right well this better be worth my time Greyback."

"I need you to teach me Occlumency."

"That was straight to the point." Evan chimed and Remus was acutely aware that the blonde stood a step to close.
"No point beating around the bush." Remus casually shoved his hands into the pockets of his robes and gave Snape an expectant look.

"Do I get a choice or is it more of a  "you tell me, I do"  situation?" Snape inquired and Remus quirked his lip up. They both already knew the answer to that.  "The latter," He answered himself, "right well then yes of course Greyback I'd be honoured to help you. But why?"

"Before I tell you anything you need to take an unbreakable vow."
"That seems over the top."
"I assure you its not."
"Alright then."

He knew Snape was compliant. He'd have made a good Soilder himself is Barty had failed to comply, if they needed another replacement. Snape had been his first choice after all.

"Lets go then." Remus held out his hand and Snape blanched, "What?"
"Now? Like right now?" He asked and he looked between Evan and Remus like they were aliens.
"Yes right now. I need to be an expert by Christmas break."

Snape laughed. He actually laughed.

"Greyback that's twenty-two days. You have only three weeks. You can't become an expert in that time." Snape tolf him, but nontheless reached out and took Greybacks hand, "Its impossible."
Remus smirked at him,
"Try me."

Snape shook his head in amusement and a soft smile graced his lips.

"Alright get on with the vow."

Evan stepped forward and lifted his wand, pressing is against their linked hands.

"Snape, you need to vow that anything you see in Remus' mind will not be repeated outside of the three of us." Evan told him and Remus. Snape nodded.



It didn't take long and the Vow was made.

"Alright we start on Friday."
"I can't do-"
Snapes glare sliced into Remus and the werewolf gave in and nodded. He didn't have the time to fight about it.
"We start Friday after dinner. Meet me in the common room."

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