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January 18th, 1977

On Tuesday Jeremiah Markus Nesbit made the front page of the Daily Prophet and every other wizarding newspaper in the UK with the headliner, 'New Generation member found dead.'

A picture of him from school, having been held back a year he'd been older then his peers, beside a photo of his uniform. The only once worn white and red robes and silver mask.

"Nineteen year old Beauxbatons student, Jeremiah Nesbit, was earlier last week identified as a member of the New Generation, The Dark Lord's newest regime of child soldiers.

He'd been on the run for four days before he was found by a team of Aurors led by Mikael Grimsby, strung up to a tree in the forests of Newcastle not evem a month after the debut of the Angelis Mortis* as they call themselves.

It seems he ended his own life to avoid capture and further information being extracted about the New Generation.

It is believed that Nesbit was one of the four members that were present at the Ministry attack on New Years Eve, identified by the scorch marks on his robes from the bombarda maxima used by a fellow member.

His parents have been taken in for further questioning but other then knowing what they had signed their son up for they had no valuable information to give.

For more on Nesbits life see page 66..
*Angelis Mortis=Angels of Death'

Remus stared out at the photo of Nesbit on the paper Meadowes had in her hands. He couldn't help the shake his hands gave as the split second of the life disappearing from Nesbit's eyes replayed in his mind over and over.

He was being strong about it. Nothing had slipped, nothing had gone wrong at Hogwarts. The others were coping well, Barty and Jack seemed more torn then the others, Snape not too bothered at all and Regulus and Evan just sullen. They didn't have the option to lose their cool.

Remus felt the guilt weigh on him like never before. He'd sworn he'd keep them safe and he'd already failed.

He was sure the others at the different schools had heard by now aswell. He wondered how they were all taking it.

"Its sad how he's killed himself but atleast thats one less New Generation member." Meadowes spoke up and Pandora nodded firmly,
"Yes, its great isn't it?"

None of the others spoke.

"He was rather young though.." Pandora noted as she looked over the article again.

"He might have been a bad person but noone deserves that." Evan spoke up finally and it scared Meadowes.
"Yeah, you're right."

January 20th, 1977

Remus could tell all of them were being wary of him, as if he'd snap and bite one of their heads off. They knew he'd seen Nesbit die.

It haunted Remus like a plague, everytime hd closed his eyes it'd replay before him and he wouldn't sleep. It was such a short few moments that the minutes after left dark bruises on his face.

He wouldn't snap at them though, snapping at them showed he was affected by it all and he had to show that he wasn't. He had to show he was strong but it was breaking him. This had been the first proper fracture.

"We can play that guess who game Regulus came up with?" Remus suggested and they all didn't move, just staring at the homework infront of them, a few of them occasionally writing something down.

He hadn't told them, they found out from the papers.

" Guys come on-"
"Remus." Evans voice cut through him like a knife and he felt terrible at the tremble that waved through it, "We're not in the mood."
"Right I was just trying-"
"Well don't." Jack snapped angrily, she'd taken the fact that Remus kept it from them the hardest. He wasn't actually sure why he kept it a secret, he meant to tell them but he didn't know how to do it and the papers had done it for him. "Just because you don't give a shit Remus doesn't mean we don't." She seethed. He understood why she was angry.

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