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October 11th, 1976

Sirius Black was fine and back on his feet after three days and although his once perfect nose was now crooked and the regrowing hair charm Pomfrey had cast on him was slow working, he had that fighting spirit he had before as if nothing happened. Probably the drugs he'd been on at the time cushioned the blows mentally. That's what Remus guessed anyway.

Regulus hadn't spoken to Remus the whole three days that his brother was in the hospital wing, unconscious. He was afraid Remus had hurt him so terribly he wouldn't wake up. But of course he woke up, even Remus knew there was no way Sirius Black would go out like that.

To say the potions lessons after that evening were tense was an understatement. Everyone knew the basics of what happened but no clue as to why. Except Pettigrew, Potter, Evan and Regulus. And of course Remus and Black.

Remus didn't dare speak a word to Potter and he seemed to afraid to even look his way. Black was with King on the other side of the room, Blacks hair a short mess on the top of his head, and a sling holding up his left arm which Remus managed to break because of the impact with the ceiling and the floor.

Remus was satisfied.

Regulus was not.

The first thing Regulus said to him after three days of avoiding him was when he'd left potions on the first day Black had been let out.

"You're a prick. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." Remus stared down at the boy who looked even more like his brother now that Black had short hair temporarily. Regulus stared back and Jack was stood by the door anxiously, waiting. Her and Pettigrew had been getting along until this fiasco and their working relationship was dying.

"I hate you." Regulus pressed one more time.
"Okay." Remus responded and then he was tackled into a crushing hug. The people around them stopped and stared as Remus wrapped his arms around the younger boy in return. Regulus wasn't one for affection nevermind public affection and people only moved on when Remus glared at them.

The boy in his arms stiffened as the familiar voice leaving the classroom.

"-and then King accidentally dropped it in so now we're completely screwed.", Black complained and it was followed by the start of a laugh from Pettigrew but then quiet.

Regulus hadn't moved from the hug but Remus' eyes dragged over to the three boys stood by the potions door. His expression was completely blank but his eyes were angry. Very angry.

"Come on Pads." Potter prompted but Black didn't move and he just stared. "Sirius-"

"Regulus." Remus took a sharp breath and Regulus pulled back from the hug but stood close to Remus, knowing he wouldn't have the heart to warn off his brother himself but Remus would. He didn't meet his brothers eyes and kept them on the floor.
"Sirius." He replied, voice weak.
Black moved to step forward but Remus practically snarled at the movement and he stopped and looked up at Remus warily before he sighed and looked back at his little brother.

"Regulus, I'm sorry. I really am." Regulus just nodded simply.
"Okay? Just okay? No 'I forgive you Sirius' " He frowned and Remus opened his mouth the speak but Regulus beat him to it.

"I don't owe you forgiveness because you apologised Sirius." Regulus spat and met his brothers eyes for the first time in a while and he flinched at the anger in them. "I don't owe you anything. Let's go." He nodded his head and Jack pushed off the wall and walked with Regulus but Remus lingered.

Sirius Black looked up at Remus, eyes desperate but somewhat fearful. He looked like he wanted to say something but was hesitating. Remus stayed quiet and stared expectantly just waiting until he said what he wanted to say.

"Thank you, Greyback. It was about time someone beat the sense into me, even if it was physically." Black tried.

"Okay." Remus mimicked Regulus from before as he felt that was all that was worth saying before he turned and walked quickly to catch up with Regulus and Jack. Jack was smiling.

"That was amazing Black, stood up to him like a pro." Jack cheered amd Regulus' cheeks reddened.
"Thanks Combey."
"It was great Reg. Evan is gonna love to hear it, Crouch too probably." Remus said and both looked up at him as he spoke and Regulus nodded. Remus knew standing up to his brother was probably some sort of milestone.


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