
28 1 0

December 26th, 1976

"Protego!" Evan yelled as Barty shot another stupefy spell at him.
"Your form Crouch!" Regulus called from beside Remus, "You're not hitting him because you aren't standing correctly."

"Not standing correctly my ass!" Crouch yelled and in a frustrated movement shot a spell towards Regulus though Regulus lifted his wand and blocked the spell with ease. Crouch was breathing heavily, he was angry.

"Alright Crouch. Take a break." Remus told him and the Ravenclaw shot him a nasty look but complied, "Snape, your turn. You good to keeo going Evan?" Remus asked and Evan nodded, he hadn't spoken since the show of Remus' back this morning and it was obvious he wasn't okay so if he was going to get it out this way it would have to do.

Remus glanced across the room as a wayward spell flew and hit the ceiling causing it to crack,
"Crabbe careful!" Regulus yelled as the pudgy boy dodged a spell Jack threw at him.
"Apologies Black!"

"I'm wiped." Barty huffed as he collapsed next to Remus and threw his head back as he caught his breath,
"You'll get used to it." Remus told him as he observed the duels still in progress before him.
"I sure hope so, how come Regulus is taking charge?"
Remus looked at Barty and pursed his lips with a shrug.
"He asked to. He's good with a wand and its better he observes then participates, he doesn't seem okay and I don't need him blowing someone's head off."

Barty tilted his head as he looked at Regulus who was currently yelling at a couple of the older lot about not using explosion spells indoors
"What makes you say that?"
"He hasn't stopped yelling about the bad stuff."
Barty hummed in agreement.
"He is right though,"
"About your form. You're good with the spells and you have skill with your wand but your form is lacking. You're too stiff, the steps need to flow more." Remus advised, "go against Nesbit and practice. He has good advice on it."
"Nesbit?" Barty asked.

Remus gestured to a tall boy with dark hair stood watching Jack's duel with Crabbe.

"How olds he?" Barty asked as Remus waved him over,
"About nineteen." Remus told him and laughed at the look on his friends face.
"He's beautiful."
"Oh and he's French."
"Yes I am."


Remus only laughed louder.

"Crouch, this is Jeremiah Nesbit. Nesbit this is Barty Crouch Jr." Remus introduced, "I was wondering if you could help improve his fluidity in a duel." Remus asked, though they both knew it wasn't a question.

"Of course." Nesbit smiled in a friendly way before he looked at Crouch, "Come along Beau."
"I speak French, Pulcher." Barty told him and Nesbit let out a hearty laugh.
"And I speak Latin."

Remus smiled at the pair as they walked off and he couldn't help but catch Evan watch the pair walk to an empty space with a frown. He paused the duel with Snape for a supposed water break.

He walked up to Remus.

"You put him with Nesbit?" Evan asked and Remus nodded,
"Problem with that?" Remus asked, brow raised curiously,
"Yes! I mean no. No there's no. problem it's just- are you sure they'd work well together?" Evan asked anxiously snd Remus looked over at the pair.

"Yeah, they seem fine to me." Remus said and he narrowed his eyes at Evan, "What's up with it?"

"Nothing." Evan answered a little too quickly and Remus frowned, he felt an unfamiliar feeling swarm his stomach.
"Get back to it Rosier." Remus ordered and it was Evans turn to frown,
"That was an order." Remus snapped and Evan glared at the werewolf.
"Yes sir." He ground out and spun on his heel, "Snape! Come on."

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