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to not get confused, pay attention to the dates that are in bold or it'll be baffling. it may still confuse but I'll add an explanation at the end for clarity!
also when the third date is stated that part is of a majority a repeat of the first part so you can skip to the end of it unless you'd like to read it all a second time 🤷

August 28th, 1977

"I mean, they didn't really get a good angle yanno?" Remus said as he observed the Prophet in his hands, "This..Rita Skeeter..needs a new photographer. I mean, this photo makes me seem.."

"Short?" Barty asked,
"Fat?" Evan tried.
"Boring." Remus muttered.

"Boring? Remus you are literally killing someone. How is that boring?" Barty asked and Remus nodded,
"True. His dirty blood was under my nails for weeks, so gross."
"mm." Evan hummed and Remus looked out of the window,
"I mean atleast I can finish the job. Rosier here..well.."

Evan scoffed,
"I didn't set the fiendfyre off, it was those Deatheaters."
"Should have gone back and made sure the job was finished. Now there's people alive who know us." Remus snapped.

"Hey, it's not like you're gonna get your identity leaked. After this summer they know how dangerous you are and even if they tell the world who you are they're nt gonna come for you. The same goes for Evan." Barty said as the train pulled into Hogsmeade.

" Wake Regulus up. "

Remus said as he stood and glanced down at the boy.

He was doing well against the flu but he was irritable.

" No- No it's your turn."

"Oops I'm already gone." Remus said and Evan followed him out quickly.

A squeak sounded from behind them and Remus looked over his shoulder and he tensed at the sight of a trio of supposed to be dead Gryffindors.

One was unscathed, one had a burn on his hand and the other lost an eye.

Sirius Black suited an eye patch.

Remus stared for too long. Black took it as a sign to approach and a disgusting wave of happiness ruptured inside Remus' chest.


"Let's go Remus." Evan spoke loudly and Remus, without thinking, turned and followed Evan off the train.

A haze covered his perception for a few seconds as he followed him and he heard a click and he was okay again.

He shook his head and blinked rapidly.

" Never again." Barty growled, rubbing the back of his head. Regulus followed behind with a grim expression.

"You need to stop making them wake me up Remus." Regulus scolded and Remus snickered with a grin,
"But it's so funny." He whined and Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Welcome back all! Seventh years this is your last year and you have your N.E.W.T.S this year so I wish you all the best luck and the same goes to out fifth year's who are facing their O.W.L.S." Dumbledore announced.

Remus scratched at the table with a claw ans Evan smacked his hand,
"There's people Remus." He hissed.
The claw retracted and he rolled his eyes before he dropped his head to Evans shoulder and he shut his eyes.

Remus liked closing his eyes. When he closed his eyes he saw things. Memories maybe but no matter what it helped keep him preoccupied.

This time however, he saw nothing.

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