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March 11th, 1977

"Where were you?" Jack hissed at Remus when he caught them all in the hallway on the way to breakfast. Well it was almost midday but he knew none of them had eaten. Before Remus could respond Evan butt in,
"We checked everywhere." He told Remus, "Your room, the room of requirement, hell Jack managed to get into the Gryffindor Commom room anx harass those friends of yours to see if they knew where you were and they didn't so we sought out Black of course and when he said he hadn't seen you since Lunch and you were supposed to be with us we panicked. Merlin Remus we didn't know where you were, you could have- you- you-" He was sending himself into a frenzy and he only stopped when Barty placed a hand on his lower back and lowered himself down to his height.
"Hey Ev, calm down." Barty soothed in a voice more calming then Remus thought was possible of the Ravenclaw, "He's turned up so it's okay. Remus is fine."

"I haven't seen Evan that worked up since- well since we lost the first kid two years ago." Regulus spoke from beside Remus and the werewolfs eyes dragged from Evan and Barty down to Regulus who was stood with his hands crossed behind his back,
"Well since Snape spoke to us-"
"Snape spoke to you?" Remus asked and Regulus nodded,
"Yeah it was about the Dark Lord...a message. He didn't tell us much but we knew you were in trouble, we could see it on his face." Regulus explained and Remus nodded along, "We were all a bit worried but Evan he.." Regulus let out a nervous laugh, "Barty had to put him to sleep with a spell."

Remus' eyes went back to Evan who was already watching him andnthe relief in his eyes was so apparent it made Remus feel sick.

"Im sorry." Remus said loudly, "I had a run in with Snape and well.." He trailed as he unpocketed his wand and waved the glamour spell away and Barty winced.

"Yowch Remus, that looks like it hurts." He commented and Remus rolled his eyes.
"I got punched, obviously it hurts."
"Were you punched anywhere else?" Jack jumped in and she stepped away from. Remus and tilted her head in observation.
"No, not that I recall. Why?"

Jack tilted her head the other way.

"Hmm..your shoulder is wilted." She told him and he frowned, "like you've been punched or stabbed." Jack was as quick as a fox when she grabbed Remus' shoulder and twisted his torso around slightly. Remus let out a short cry of pain in unison with a gasp from Jack. "You're bleeding."
"What?" Remus laughed, "Funny joke."
"She's not kidding Remus." Regulus said Remus lifted a hand and he frowned when he felt the slight wetness on his back.
"Isn't that where your mark is?" Barty asked and Remus blinked slowly before nodding.
"Hold still." Jack said and she turned Remus around completely before he grabbed the back on his thin sweater and pushed it up. Remus let out a gassp as the fabric tore from the wound, "There are fucking holes in your back Remus! What stavbed you? A pencil? "

No way.

No fucking way.

Remus hadn't noticed he wasn't healing.

He didn't notice the eight apparent pencil sized punctures in his back.

He didn't notice the way his shirt stuck to his skin with blood.

How he didn't notice it he wasn't sure. Shouldn't he have probably bled out by now? Or atleast be weak and unable to move?

But he didn't care.

Why hadn't he healed?

"It's not healed at all?" Remus asked as he shrugged his jumper down before it could get spied by any passerbys.
"No." Evan had finally spoken up and Remus felt a weight over his shoulders and a whiff of Evan. Remus looked down at the jacket and then at Evan, "we should probably skip breakfast and heal that."

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