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pretty sure this chapter is like really shitly written but im too drunk and tired to acc care atm :( and i can't be arsed to even actually even read it for like spelling mistakes so 🤷
i hope you guys like it anyway.

March 10th, 1977

"In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat!" Sirius belted and Remus let out a disbeliefing laugh, "Oh God, I could do better than that!"

"Mr Black get down!" McGonnogal scolded as she flapped her hands at Sirius who strutted up and down the table,

"Sorry Minnie would you prefer some ABBA?" Sirius cheered and then was a pause in music and a new, unfamiliar song started up. By ABBA Remus had to guess,

"Mr Black!"

"Honey Honey how uou thrill me!"
"Uh-Huh Honey honey!" Pettigrew and Potter supported.
"Honey Honey, nearly kill me-" suddenly there was a loud crash and Black was ass first in a bowl of gravy.

The music stopped abruptly as howls of laughter escaped Sirius' friends and Remus had to cover his mouth as a laugh threatened to escape his lips.

" Laugh it out mate, laugh it out." Sirius rolled his eyes, moving to stand and his hand landed in the middle of Remus' plate of food. Remus gasped and he knew exactly what Sirius was going to do.

Remus grabbed the plate as Sirius' hand curled around crushed potatoes and chicken and he lobbed it in Remus direction.

Remus stood and pushed the plate at him as he dodged the handful of food and it whizzed down and slopped to the floor.

"Fuck off Sirius!" Remus laughed.
He tried again and this time Remus had ducked and the mixture of foods slapped right into McKinnons hair.

"Greyback!" She hissed as she grabbed a slab of lasagna and smashed it into his cheek.
"It wasn't me!" Remus protested, grabbing the slab of lasagna ans smashing onto her head. She gasped and glared up at him before she glanced from him to Sirius,
"Oh my bad. Sirius Black!" She stood with a bowl filled with god knows what and Sirius shrieked.

"Help me!" He squealed as he stood and booked it across the table, stepping in people's plates and on the extras. People were screaming, laughing and jumping away from the table.

Just as Sirius jumped down he dodged the bowl that Remus had to duck to avoid getting hit by aswell. Then there was a gasp from everyone in the hall as the bowl shattered at a pair of polished shoes.

" Oh fuck." Remus cursed and he looked at McGonnogal with sheepish stare as she wiped what looked like mushy peas out of her eyes.

"Wow the peas really match your robes Minnie, new look?" Sirius tried with a whining tone and McGonnogal turned red with anger.

"Black! McKinnon!", She screamed and Remus tried to sit back down without being noticed, "and you too Greyback! Too my office now!"

"Nice try Snake." McKinnon snorted a laugh and pulled Remus back to his feet before shoving him ahead of her, he stumbled.

He glanced anxiously around the hall, at all the eyes on him, but a certain set of blue eyes made him feel small. Evan looked absolutely bewildered with a side of dissapointment.

They'd all agreed that Remus needed to keep the attention off of his until after Easter. This was much rather the opposite of keeping out of the spotlight.

He wiped the lasagna off his face in embarrassment.

Then he spotted a small square envelope in his hands and felt bad.

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