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February 7th, 1977

"Come sit with us Remus."
"Come on Cap, Evan's really sorry."
"And I don't forgive him." Remus snapped and Jack frowned. She'd been divided completely between the two groups but she didn't get along too well with the Gryffindors so she predominantly sat with those on the Slytherin table.

She was the only tie keeping Remus from completely derailing from the whole mission. From up and leaving the regime.

She was the only one that hadn't done him wrong or upset him.

Evan had done the worst. Remus in December would have never guessed that. Barty had done the least in a way. Sure he was the reason Remus and Evan had broken apart but he hadn't done it to directly attack Remus.

Regulus Black.

Remus simply shuddered at the younger boys name.

He didn't know if he'd ever forgive Regulus for taking away his memory. Especially a memory that played such a crucial part in the last 3-4 years of his life.

Jack was practically an angel compared.

She'd been there for him even when he hadn't been particularly inviting or a good friend in return.

"You don't have to forgive him." She insisted, "but you can't keep sitting away from us we need to keep a bond as a group. You're our leader."

Remus rubbed his forehead as an oncoming headache began to brew. His legs lowered from table he'd propped them ontop in one of the study halls. It was empty apart from a 7th year asleep in the corner, though that made sense because it was lunch. He grabbed his water and took a sip, saying nothing.

"We can't afford for you to deviate like you are Remus. We can't." She carried on and Remus didn't even look at her as he dipped his quill in his ink. He said nothing.

"Remus Greyback!" She scolded, her hand swiped at the ink pot and it flew into a wall. Remus grip on his quill tightened in annoyance, "Look at me when I talk to you."

So he did, the hair she usually kept blonde a passionate red.

She was angry at him. He smelt the paprika distantly. He gave her a bored look.

He really wasn't in the mood right now. She could see that but she didn't care.

"You are behaving like a child Remus. You have more important duties then crying over some name you were called or the fact you were betrayed in a way you hadn't been before." She scolded, "Listen I get that your feelings are hurt and thats valid Remus but when your life- all of our lives are on the line if we mess up you need to push it aside."

Remus stared and his quill snapped in half.

"If we go out on the field and everything is out of sync because none of us are getting along then we'll die or get caught and it'll be your fault Remus Greyback for acting like a child with a grudge. So get over it." She stayed where she was perched on the table and stared down at him with a ferocious look.

He began to pack up his stuff and she was still silent as he swung his bag over his shoulder.

She looked hopeful and Remus glared down at her.

"If we fail on the field then its on all of you, not me." He told her, "I differentiate being on the field and my personal life Jacqueline Combey and if none of you can do it why is the blame placed on me? I don't want to talk to them, end of."

He tucked his chair in and began to walk off.

His temper had been as easy to sway as a seet of scales. One small thing could cause him to tip into anger.

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