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IM BACK BABYYY. exams went terrible uhm- we don't say anything further on that subject.
anywayyyy, im literally writing this chapter at 10am on the 15th because i forgot to write it yesterday yayyyy
this is a short one for a comeback chapter but it was always gonna be short sooooo.

March 26th, 1979

"Regulus!" Remus cheered and the younger boy crashed into him and he stumbled back.

Even though he was frailer then the last time they'd met, he still packed strength.

Remus wasn't sure how it worked exactly but the distance seemed to strengthen their relationship. Everytime he saw Regulus the more he felt for the young boy. Their bond strengthened.

Remus held him close.

He felt smaller because he was. Remus could practically feel thw brittleness of his bones and even through his coat he could make out each individual bump of his ribs against his own.

"How are you even still standing?" Remus joked and Regulus rolled his eyes,
"I've got a while before I die Remus, don't get your hopes up ill die in the next few days."

Remus pulled from the hug and he held Regulus' shoulders and shook him gently,
"Its good to see you Reg."
"You too Remus."

"Look, Remus, if you want to have time to talk to him privately we need the information from him immediately." Peter interjected and whilst Regulus shot him a dirty look James stepped forward,
"He's right Regulus."

Regulus stared at James for a moment too long before looking back at Remus.

"Okay. April 10th, Riddle is planning to launch another attack at the ministry." Regulus said as he cracked his knuckles, "Upping the security is useless theres too many of us on the inside already, but be ready. Have the Guardian and your best fighters. The whole Angelis Mortis will be there. Conductor, Riot, Inferno, the lot."

"Will you be fighting?" James and Regulus nodded,
"I will. I am an angel afterall." Regulus' tone was plain ans James nodded,

"Alright, anything else?"

"Riot and Conductor will be doing a minor attack on a less fortunate area of muggles in Hampshire on the 30th and in Essex on the 2nd. Minor attacks, send aurors, Remus won't be needed there."

"Is that it then?" Peter asked,
"Its all I have, sorry. They don't tell me much anymore, because I'm sick. I'm more os getting checked by a healer then in meetings unfortunately."
"Don't apologise, it's fine." Pete nodded gently and Regulus eyes him before looking at James,
"Can I talk to Remus now?"

James took Peter out.

Remus opened his mouth ro speak but Regulus beat him to it.
"Evan and Barty are fine. Riddle has let up a bit as they're proving themselves but...Evans weak, physically. He thinks none of us have noticed it but hes always lagging behind them few steps that he used to be ahead."
Remus nodded,
"Is he still being-"
"And Bartys still-"

Remus rubbed his forehead,
"He deserves to know."
"I know."

There was a tense silence,
"Talk about yourself Remus." Regulus told him, "I want to hear some happy stuff."

Remus laughed bitterly and he sunk against the wall to sit on the floor,
"Not much happy stuff."

"Well just talk to me Remus. About anything."

"Well, first things first my mum died."
"Mhm, Fairy Flu got her. I don't know how or why but it did."
"Could no healers explain it?"
"No...they tried but she just went, in her sleep thankfully but it just- it was so sudden. I'd see her before that, shed seemed like she was getting better. It wasn't those initial days where the person turns to normal but it was- she waz up and walking again. She made me food. She was getting better and them she just-"

His voice caught in his throat. He felt like he was going to cry. He wiped at his watering eyes and laughed bitterly.

"You can cry Remus." Regulus told him and he took Remus' hand in a comforting gesture, "No ones judging you.."
Remus squeezed his hand,
"I know. I know but I- I don't really want to." Remus muttered, "I've cried enough over it-"
"You can never cry enough over your mother Remus. She's your mother. She was significant to you ans you may not have known her long but you were-" He coughed and a hand slapoed over his mouth and when he pulled it away Remus grimaced at the blood.

"Maybe you should go and rest-"
"No. No I don't know when I'll next be able to come see you so I don't want to lose this time."

Remus nodded and he pulled his wand out and vanished the blood.



"on the upside I've almost got the trigger word mastered." Remus said, "I stay awake at Lupus just fine and Lupis makes me woozy but I don't knock out. So im. on my way to understanding Lupin-"

He caught his wandering head with his hand and laughed,
"Atleast I don't pass out when I say it huh?"

Regulus just stared at him and Remus cleared his throat,
"On another downside, Severus won't talk to me. He's distanced himself from me and he seems to only talk to Dumbledore."

"Ah." Regulus breathed, "Yeah, he done the same with me. I don't think he likes being close to people much, not people our age anyway. He was very keen on Riddle."
"He told me why he was so close with Riddle."
"What? Why?"

"Well Riddle-"

"Guys we have to go, emergency meeting." James poked his head into the room and Remus frowned,
"But we should have another ten-"
"Emergency Remus." James pressed and Remus stood and Regulus followed suit.

"Okay, Okay give me two minutes okay?" Remus requested and James seemed hesitant but he relented to the begging look on Remus' fsce and he stepped out anf shut the door again.

Remus looked down at Regulus again and he smiled.

Then Regulus pulled him into a hug.

Remus held him tightly.

"I'll see you soon okay?" Remus said and he smiled wide at Regulus who seemed a bit out of it.
"Yeah. Soon." His tone was bitter.

"Why did you say it like that?" Remus asked and Regulus stepped away, subject changing,

"I do love you Remus." Regulus admitted, "As a friend. You've..been very good to me. And tell Sirius that I love-"
"He knows. Regulus what is this-"

"Remus! Now!"
"I said two-"

A hand grabbed his arm and he went to yell at James and he froze at th3 sight of Braxton.

"Let's go."

He tugged at Remus who looked back at Regulus.

Regulus waved.

The door shut.

Remus looked at Braxton.

"What the fuck man?"
"The traitor has gotten mire ballsy." Braxton told him and Remus frowned,
"Death Eaters are gonna be here soon. Your friend should be safe, his name wasn't shared but Remus-"
"What the *fuck*!?"

Braxton dragged him into the floo.

"Get yourself together."
"Don't you-"

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