
37 1 0

November 27th, 1976


Remus felt a sharp kick to his shin and eyes snapped open with a yell.

"Get up! Both of you!" Remus lifted blinked away the sleep and his brows furrowed at the sight of a very angry but embarrassed Regulus.

"What?" Remus asked as Evan, who had been sleeping with his head on Remus' lap slowly sat up with a yawn. Remus turned his head, following the blondes movements when he felt a sharp pain in his neck. He knew falling asleep sat up would be a terrible idea.

"I said up!" Regulus hissed and pulled Evan onto his feet by the arm.
"Regulus! chill out.." Evans words started off strong but as his eyes moved over Regulus and past Remus his voice trailed off and he donned a nervous expression.

Remus rubbed his neck painfully before he twisted around himself.
"What's got you all chicken?" Remus asked. And seconds after he knew exactly what got Evan all chicken.


So. Many. People.

Why were there so many people? It was a Saturday Morning. His eyes shifted to the clock on the wall. It was actually a Saturday afternoon.

His eyes snapped back to the crowd of people and the few at the front drew back at the livid stare.
"Get to it." He snapped at them and the crowd scattered immediately and he stood up and dusted himself off.

"What was their problem?" He grumbled more to himself then to either of his friends. Regulus cleared his throat.
"Well you two were rather..cuddly."

Remus looked at him, confused. Cuddly? They weren't being cuddly. Evans head was on his lap and that was it. That was how he'd fallen asleep. Fallen asleep. That was over twelve hours ago. He stared at Regulus and the boy nodded as he began to elaborate.

"You were both, like, holding eachother?" It sounded like he was questioning his own words.
"holding eachother how?" Remus demanded and Regulus' cheeks reddened even darker as he glanced at Evan who gave him a frown.
"Like- kinda like two otters? but not really? Like his arms were around your waist and your hand was on his-"

"His what?" Remus felt his heart rate pick up a terrifying amount and he felt a wave of nausea course through him. "On his what?" He couldn't look in Evan's direction.

"His..uhm his butt."

The room was suddenly really hot and he felt lightheaded. He looked at Evan who wasn't looking at him and was rather red in the face himself.

"Well, we were asleep. Can't control what I do when I sleep. I'm- I'm going to see if I can get food from the kitchens." Remus gave an awkward wave and spun on his heel, marching for the door. Then he rembered he was still in his uniform and he went to go upstairs to his room to change but felt a bit to awkward to turn back now so he kept going. He pulled his robes around him as he walked.

He had thought it'd been a good idea when he gave Black his jumper but now he just regretted it. He walked quickly to try get out of the castle.

He wasn't actually going to go get food, he wasn't really hungry.

He stepped out into the courtyard and glanced around, there were a few loiterers but he knew they wouldn't stick around too long, it was cold and no one in their right mind would stay outside too long at the end of November. Apart from Remus maybe and the others who weren't leaving.

Even after he stared at them, waiting, from the floor under one of the trees.

With a disgruntled noise, he shuddered and pulled his robes around him tighter and decided maybe he should change into something warmer. He moved to stand up when he was shadowed.

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